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NexGard Plus for Dogs

NexGard Plus for Dogs provides all-in-one monthly protection against parasites for your dog. It kills pulgasyGarrapatas, prevents heartworm disease, and treats and controls roundworms and hookworms. It comes in a delicious, beef-flavored chew that dogs love.

NexGard Plus may be offered to your dog by hand, or broken up into pieces and included with their food. If hidden in food, make sure that the tablet has been swallowed. It is not necessary to administer the chewable with a meal.

  • El tratamiento de amplio espectro protege contra múltiples parásitos.
  • La fórmula de acción rápida mata las pulgas en 6-8 horas
  • Viene en una sabrosa masticación con sabor a carne para una fácil administración
  • No más lío de preventivos tópicos

What is NexGard Spectra (NexGard Plus EU version)?

Manufactured by the same company Boehringer Ingelheim, NexGard Spectra serves as its equivalent in some regions of the Globe. NexGard Spectra stands as a leading choice in Europe for safeguarding your furry companion against a broad spectrum of parasites. NexGard Spectra provides exactly the same an all-in-one solution for flea, tick, and internal parasite control, alongside heartworm prevention.

NexGard Plus vs NexGard Spectra

NexGard Spectra is 62% cheaper than NexGard Plus (based on prices from major online retailers).

  NexGard Plus
NexGard Plus
NexGard Spectra
Espectros NexGard
Buy now
6 chews from $194.29 $72.95
Kills Fleas yes tick yes tick
Repels Fleas - -
Mata huevos de pulgas y larvas Mata las pulgas recién emergidas antes de que puedan poner huevos Mata las pulgas recién emergidas antes de que puedan poner huevos
Mata garrapatas yes tick yes tick
Repele las garrapatas - -
Mata y / o repele los mosquitos - -
Previene el gusano del corazón yes tick yes tick
Previene gusanos redondos yes tick yes tick
Previene los anquilostomas yes tick yes tick
Previene lombrices yes tick yes tick
Seguro para mascotas embarazadas o lactantes - -
¿Cuándo empieza a funcionar Mata las pulgas en 6 a 8 horas. Mata las pulgas en 6 a 8 horas.
Una ducha en lugares a última hora de la mañana; de lo contrario, nubosidad variable; no tan caliente pero húmedo Masticable con sabor a carne Masticable con sabor a carne
Dosificación Mensual Mensual

Is NexGard Plus / NexGard Spectra suitable for my dog?

It is suitable for use with dogs and puppies from 8 weeks of age. Dogs should be tested for existing heartworm infection before starting NexGard Plus / NexGard Spectra.

What are the side effects of NexGard Plus?

Reported side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and loss of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders.

¿Qué precauciones se deben tomar?

  • Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños y animales.
  • No para uso humano
  • No es para uso felino.
  • No le dé a los perros menores de 8 semanas de edad.
  • The safe use of NexGard Plus with breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs has not been evaluated.

Nexgard Plus

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