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Which TickTreatment Is The Best For My Cat?

It may not be common for ticks to cause health problems in cats, but when they do, the consequences are often quite serious—even fatal.

It is therefore recommended to regularly use a good tick treatment on your gato to protect your pet. Since most tick treatments also kill and prevent fleas, which can also create plenty of health problems for your cat, there really is no reason not to use a flea and tick preventative on your pet.

Tópico o spot-on

This is the most common type of tick treatment available for your cat. Tópico o spot-on tend to be the preferred way to kill ticks and fleas on cats because it can sometimes be challenging to make cats swallow or chew pills.

Pet owners also choose topical and spot-on treatments because they are waterproof and durable, kill ticks (and fleas) successfully, and have a long-lasting impact.

Three popular topical tick prevention products on the market are Bravecto, Revolución, and Frontline Plus. Bravecto topical is a 12-weekly treatment that can be used on cats over 6 months of age and weighing over 2.6 pounds.

Revolution for cats is good for kittens over 6 weeks of age and weighing at least 5.5 pounds, while Frontline Plus is for cats over 8 weeks old, with a minimum weight of 1.5 pounds. Both products offer your pet 30-day protection.

Bravecto, Revolution, and Frontline Plus all kill ticks, as well as fleas, eggs, and larvae, and Frontline Plus also kills and repels mosquitoes.

To apply the tick treatment on your cat, first, remove its collar. You will need to apply the medication at the base of its neck or between its shoulder blades, to prevent your cat from licking it off. Allow the product to fully dry before letting your cat get wet, and before you let young children or other pets near them.


Besides using atopical treatment, the cuello seresto is a helpful tick preventative, especially when tick activity is at its highest. It kills and repels ticks and fleas for up to eight months, and is safe to use on kittens from 10 weeks old.

Para usarlo, todo lo que tiene que hacer es alrededor del cuello de su gato como lo haría con un collar para mascotas, con espacio suficiente para colocar dos dedos debajo del collar (el collar debe hacer contacto con la piel de su mascota para que sea efectivo).

Deciding on the best tick treatment for your cat

Choose the best tick treatment for your cat ultimately rests on your personal preference for application, frequency, and cost, as well as your pet’s weight and age.No matter which tick treatment you decide on, ensure you use it regularly on your cat. This will ensure it doesn’t stop working.

To successfully get rid of ticks on your cat or kittens, it is also important to ensure you kill the ticks in your house and yard, as they are all places ticks can be hiding, ready to re-infest your pet again.

Which Tick Treatment Is The Best For My Cat?

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