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10 gatos que piensan que son más inteligentes En Vidrios

 De michelle el 01 de mayo de 2014 |
1Comentario (s)

1. "It's you're, not your"


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2. "Well of course cats are superior to dogs."

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3. "This is my thinking cap."


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4. "Just studying for my exam."


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5. "Do you mind if I read the paper in peace?"


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6. "I'm the total package: brains y beauty."


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7. "Hmmmph!"


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8. "What is it like in your funny little brains?"


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9. "Silence human! I'm reading about the String theory."


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10. "Please, leave me be with my thoughts."

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Comentario (s)1

jo heppell - Comment
jo heppell01 Jul 2015Reply
these cats look so cool with specs on

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