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16 Invierno maneras Calentamiento - Guía de un gato para Sobrevivir a la Chill

 Por simone el 12 mayo 2014 |
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1. Stay indoors. Snow is for the birds!
2. Make full use of the sun’s energy…you know, for snoozing, stretching, squinting and smiling.

3. Find someone suitable to snuggle with.

4. Mums are a great snuggle option.
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5. Or even something bigger. Go on, take that huggy warmth. It's yours - take it all!

6. Find a good position in front of the fire. 

7. No fire? No problem. Just find another warm spot. 
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8. Or create your own.
9. Wrap yourself up in a cosy blanket, and cats really, totally, completely wrap themselves up.

10. Don't be afraid to layer on the cosiness either. Of course, it helps if you can also get out if needed. 
11. Don't forget your paws.

12. And never forget your ears. Remember to remove any ear-wear around meal times so you don't miss any important signals that food is on its way.
13. Let your hair down. By that, cats mean grow out your winter coat.
14. If you’re not capable of growing one yourself, you can always buy a coat. There’s no need to compromise on style either. 
15. Or borrow a friend's coat for the season. 
16. Finally, the most effective way to ward off the cold is to enjoy a nice, long, warm soak regularly.  

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Alina - Comment
Alina30 oct 2014Reply
Really funny! I like cats! Also I like to download different pictures of lovely cats from this site

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