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Perforaciones de perros y sapos: signos a tener en cuenta

 Por danielle el 20 jul 2014 |
3Comentario (s)
Toads are a common and for the most part harmless feature of backyards around the world – however a certain number of species are equipped with natural defence systems against predators that can backfire for curious dogs who cross their path. Equipped with poisonous skin of various strengths, a dog who licks or happens to eat a toxic toad may be in serious trouble.
Poisonous Species

 Crédito de la imagen 

In the US, the Colorado River Toad and Giant Toad are the two most likely species to cause illness and death in dogs. In Australia, the introduced Cane Toad is a prevalent and serious problem for pet owners as its range extends across half the continent and lethal results are likely in untreated cases.

Signs of Poisoning

There are a number of signs of poisoning that may be apparent in your dog. Excessive drooping, frothy salivation, head shaking, pawing at the mouth and vomiting are common symptoms, with severity varying depending on the type of toad, the amount of toxin the dog was exposed to and the amount of time that passed before they were found by their owners. Other symptoms are cardiac arrhythmias, dyspnea (shortness of breath), cyanosis (blueish discolouration of skin) and seizures.

If you suspect your dog has had a nasty encounter with a toad an immediate trip to the vet is essential. Time is one of the most crucial factors which will determine whether or not a dog will survive. An affected dog will likely have their mouth flushed and drugs used to control abnormal heart rhythms. A cool bath may also be used to reduce temperature and painkillers administered to reduce the dog’s suffering whilst it stabilises.

Whilst toads can be dangerous to dogs it is important not to overreact if you see a toad or frog in your garden as they are an important part of the ecosystem that are often completely harmless to your pet. Your local wildlife authority is the best source of information as to what species are in your area and if any are potentially harmful to your four-legged friend. 

Comentario (s)3

Pam - Comment
Pam23 Jul 2014Reply
Mi perro recientemente se mordió un sapo y experimentó la hiper salavación y la formación de espuma en la boca, sin embargo, cuando llamé a la clínica de veterinaria de emergencia (fue, por supuesto, el fin de semana) Me dijeron que no se preocupe que no haría daño al perro, ahora estoy preocupado Sobre el consejo que me dieron, suerte el perro estaba bien.
Cindy Combs - Comment
Cindy Combs02 de sep. De 2014Reply
Nuestro perro consiguió un sapo de caña que corrió hom al veterinario. Si hubiéramos pasado unos minutos más en llegar allí estaría muerto. Tenga cuidado de tomar su mascota por la noche no sabía lo peligroso que eran hasta mi cachorro tiene uno. Nos costó más de setecientos dólares para salvar su vida.
Christian - Comment
Christian24 junio 2016Reply
Mi perro encontró un sapo, pero no fue uno de los sapos dijo aquí y mi perro tocó el sapo, pero no sé si tiene el veneno o no por favor alguien me lo diga

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