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Qué hacer si su gato rompe un diente

 Por danielle el 24 jul 2014 |
2Comentario (s)
If your cat seems to be avoiding their dinner bowl, and when they do give in and eat, seem to do so using only one side of their mouth, have a look at their pearly whites. Cats have quite fragile teeth – particularly the canines, which can be susceptible to breakages and can cause a variety of problems and diseases. 
Teeth mismatching in length on either side of the jaw likely signifies a fracture. Additonally, if a tooth is displaying discoloration, such as a pink, black or brown tip, your cat may indeed have dental issues in need of addressing.


Cats commonly break their teeth in jumps gone wrong, where the cat misjudges a distance and ends up smacking their jaw upon landing. Car accidents are another typical way feline teeth are battered as well as catfights where the cats unintentionally smash their teeth together.

A trip to the vet is vital if you suspect or spot a cracked or snapped tooth as not only can breaks be terrifically painful, they can also lead to serious health issues if infection sets in. Don't wait for serious symptoms to develop – any tooth breakage is serious automatically and requires treatment.
Lack of treatment will allow bacteria to seep into the sensitive pulp beneath the enamel casing of a broken tooth. This will cause the tooth to die, and the area to become a bacterial haven which gradually leaks out through the bottom of the tooth and attacks the jawbone. Blood vessels will form a roadway for bacteria to reach the rest of your cat’s body, such as the liver, kidneys and heart. Not a pretty picture!  
 Crédito de la imagen

Not only that, but it will be epically painful for the afflicted cat, as the exposed pulp is rich in nerve endings.
Your vet will likely take dental radiographs with your cat under anesthesia to determine the extent of the problem. Depending on the injury, treatment may involve creating crowns for the tooth, a root canal, or complete removal. A diet of soft food will likely also be recommended. 

Comentario (s)2

Bernd Doberstein - Comment
Bernd Doberstein01 Nov 2020Reply
My cat broke his tooth
Diane - Comment
Diane10 Jul 2021Reply
Mon chat a une dent cassée, puis-je la faire réparer, sans anesthésie, dois-je lui faire faire un détartrage? Merci

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