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Pet Bucket Blog

6 razones por las que su gato ha perdido su maullido

 Por jaime el 28 ago 2014 |
70Comentario (s)
Si su gatito normalmente vocal se ha convertido repentinamente en un poco ronco usted se pregunta probablemente qué ha causado este silencio repentino ...

1. Maullido prolongado
A veces, tu gato acaba de silbar por un momento. Tal vez ha sido durante la noche o mientras usted ha estado en el trabajo, pero en cualquier caso, su maullido debe volver a la normalidad después de un rato.

2. Rabia
La rabia causa la ronquera así que si usted piensa que ha habido incluso una ocasión leve de su gato que entra en contacto con un animal rabioso los toma al veterinario inmediatamente así que pueden investigar.

3. Infección Respiratoria Superior
Las Infecciones Respiratorias Superiores (URI), que a menudo resultan en laringitis, pueden causar ronquera. Además de la ronquera, si su gato está mostrando una nariz que moquea, ojos llorosos, estornudos, falta de apetito, letargo, o descarga amarilla o verde de los ojos o la nariz, llevarlos al veterinario para medicamentos como antibióticos se pueden recetar.
4. Hyperthyroidism
El hipertiroidismo o las glándulas tiroides hiperactivas, es una dolencia común en gatos más viejos que pueden causar la ronquera junto con pérdida del peso. Si sospecha que esto es la causa de la falta de maullido de su gato, llévelo al veterinario para que se realicen análisis de sangre.

5. Parálisis laríngea
Esto es cuando el daño del nervio de la laringe o de la caja de la voz se causa que le impide trabajar correctamente cuando su gato desea respirar o meow. Es una enfermedad grave que requiere atención médica inmediata. Los síntomas de acompañamiento incluyen: tos, pérdida de peso, dificultad para comer y luchar por respirar.

6. Crecimientos
Los crecimientos pueden desarrollarse en la garganta, particularmente las cuerdas vocales, causando tumores benignos o pólipos - sin embargo a veces puede dar lugar a cáncer de garganta. Los síntomas junto con la ronquera incluyen: sonido vocal cambiado, estornudos, tos y persistentes infecciones del oído. Si sospecha que su gato tiene crecimientos en desarrollo - llevarlos al veterinario para un diagnóstico (a menudo a través de una biopsia) se puede dar.

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Comentario (s)70

ann mcateer - Comment
ann mcateer11 abr 2017Reply
my cat sounds very hours when meos
collin - Comment
collin11 abr 2017Reply
yo 2
Tej - Comment
Tej11 abr 2017Reply
My cat meow was gone, it happened slowly (the other day it was just hoarsy then by today it was gone) but he is still playful, doesn't lack in appetite and does not cough nor he is sneezing. PLEASE HELP ME
Nikki - Comment
Nikki20 de mayo de 2017Reply
Mi gato está estornudando y ha perdido su voz. Tiene 10 meses de edad. Mis otros 2 gatos no tienen ningún síntoma. ¿Puede alguien ayudarme por favor (muy preocupado)
Lauren - Comment
lauren20 de mayo de 2017Reply
La voz de mis gatos es muy ronca ahora de repente ... ¿encontraste lo que estaba pasando con tu gato?
John - Comment
John20 de mayo de 2017Reply
Acid was not mentioned. Picking up your cat and moving her around is like having a 30 foot man pick us up. Acid tossed up to the throat is the #1 reason for hoarseness in humans besides smoking
Kat - Comment
Kat20 de mayo de 2017Reply
Umm, no, John. Así no es como funciona la anatomía felina O humana. Si fuera tan fácil para el ácido del estómago viajar hasta la garganta, estarías quemando tu esófago cada vez que te acostaras. Lmao, "ácido". ¿De dónde viene la gente con este BS?
Dave - Comment
Dave20 de mayo de 2017Reply
Kat, acabas de describir el reflujo ácido. No es raro
lakawak - Comment
lakawak20 de mayo de 2017Reply IS uncommon to the degree tat John was saying. His whole comment had absolutely zero basis in reality. By the way...acid reflux does not come from laying on your stomach or with cats, being picked up. I honestly don't know which comment was more ignorant..yours and John's. Suffice it to say, it was a close race.
Daisy - Comment
Daisy20 de mayo de 2017Reply
My cat has all those symptoms except losing its appetite dose anyone still think this is the same
Kay Marie Hoggarth - Comment
Kay Marie Hoggarth25 de mayo de 2017Reply
Mi gato de 6 años de edad, de repente, perdió su voz, sigue siendo muy activa y su vida habitual animada, brillantes y brillantes ojos más, pero cuando ella trata de "Meow" es realmente croaky. Cualquier consejo sería muy apreciado.
Karissa - Comment
Karissa25 de mayo de 2017Reply
Mis gatos 7 y como su gato ha estado actuando como él mismo. Aunque pensé que había sido atacado por un perro la noche anterior cuando él tenía babero alrededor de su cuello y los pies alrededor de su trasero con la voz ronca. Lo llevé al veterinario hoy y conseguí el todo claro pero esta noche su garganta parece molestarlo lo que me preocupa: / Lo mantendré actualizado, tal vez él ha sido envenenado :( Tengo 3 gatos en la casa todos Actuando bien hmm
Desari Easterday - Comment
Desari Easterday25 de mayo de 2017Reply
Did you ever find out what was wrong with your cat? Mine is about 5, very vocal usually. She is now barely able to get a meow out. But still very playful, and eats fine. Also no discoloration of her eyes.
Rhonda - Comment
Rhonda25 de mayo de 2017Reply
Mi gato tiene 12 años y también ha perdido la voz. Hoy es solo el segundo día, pero esperaba que alguien aquí pudiera tranquilizar mi mente.
oli - Comment
oli25 de mayo de 2017Reply
Don't worry. My cat is 11 and she cant meow. Its not uncommon, atleast I don't think.
Rhonda Sutherland - Comment
Rhonda Sutherland09 junio 2017Reply
El otro día mi perdido su maullido. Es un gato muy hablador. Hoy intenta maullar, pero no sale nada. No tiene nariz que moque, está comiendo y bebiendo. ¿Que debería hacer?
Angie - Comment
Angie09 junio 2017Reply
Mi gato está literalmente haciendo lo mismo y mi hijo está muy triste
Jan - Comment
Jan09 junio 2017Reply
My cat too and I'm very concerned after reading the cons for the symptoms. Vet appt tomorrow.
Robin Gamache - Comment
Robin Gamache10 junio 2017Reply
I have 4 older male cats. The one that goes outside the most, began coughing like he had something in his throat. He then lost his voice. The other 3 are following suit. They are loosing their voices as well. No runny noses and they are all eating and drinking, No weight loss. Does anyone know what would cause this?
wolfie's Moma - Comment
wolfie's Moma10 junio 2017Reply
did you ever find out what was wrong with your kitty and his voice? Our outside cat has lost his voice and acts like he has a hairball cough but is still eating. Our inside kitty is fine
lila  - Comment
lila 10 junio 2017Reply
my cat go outside all the time now he is not talking and he talk to me all the time can someone help me out with this he is eating and drinking his eyes are good.
Mal Badger - Comment
Mal Badger25 junio 2017Reply
Our 7 year old very vocal cat has suddenly lost his voice and is still eating but croaking like a frog, could he have laringytis?
Lisa - Comment
Lisa25 junio 2017Reply
My cat just is doing this and I took him to the vet and he had a image in his throat. He is on medication right now I was just courious how your kitty is doing?
Kevin - Comment
Kevin24 Jul 2017Reply
Mi gato es 10 ahora pero gran forma. Ha estado en las guerras recientemente, principalmente debido a una mala infección en su sistema respiratorio y pelotas. Una combinación de drogas y pociones lo ha vuelto a su auto habitual.

Sin embargo, ha perdido su maullido, Todavía ronronea y puede hacer sonidos, pero el son tensas. Lo recuperó y ahora se ha ido otra vez. Tengo algunas teorías, pero no cualquier que pueda poner cualquier tienda. Él come bien y es muy feliz y juguetón. Él, como todos los gatos, tiene una personalidad muy individual y está mostrando todas sus peculiaridades habituales. Esto es tranquilizador ya que no creo que él está en el dolor o nada. Lo hice revisar recientemente por nuestro veterinario y él tenía una nota de salud limpia. Tal vez sea un juego de espera. Como yo, no es tan joven como solía ser, así que tal vez sólo lleva tiempo. Continuaré monitoreando su bienestar. Esperando que haga clic en algo. Un comentario anterior sobre este hilo me dio cierta seguridad de que no estaba solo.
QuickBeam - Comment
QuickBeam24 Jul 2017Reply
Mi gato también es diez. Ha perdido su miau antes, nos fuimos de vacaciones y él se revolvió mirando y llamándonos. SIN EMBARGO, hoy sucedió nuevamente sin ningún motivo en particular ... está apagado y encendido todo el día. El consejo aquí realmente no me ayuda, ya que tiene un defecto de nacimiento que hace que se le moje la nariz y que sus ojos se vuelvan realmente correosos, pero que NUNCA se interpusieron en su adorable maullido antes de ...
Michelle mooney - Comment
Michelle mooney29 Jul 2017Reply
Mi gato de 2 años siempre ha sido muy vocal pero hoy me di cuenta de que su maullido era muy diferente. Suena ronca. Recientemente introdujimos un nuevo gatito en el hogar y mi gato de 2 años no le tomó muy bien. Cada vez que se acercaba siseaba y se escapaba casi. Una semana en que parecen grandiosos y se puede encontrar jugando. ¿Sería el silbido de una semana la razón por la cual su maullido es diferente? ?
Marcela - Comment
Marcela29 Jul 2017Reply
Hi, i was wondering how your cats health improved, since losing its meow. Could you give me some advise? My very vocal cat, just lost his meow. I recently rescued 2 kittens as well. He is eating & going potty normal but seems tired most of the time. Thank you.
Karissa  - Comment
Karissa 29 Jul 2017Reply
Esto también le ha sucedido a mi gato y vine aquí en busca de respuestas, ¡me alegra saber que puede ser una cosa! Pensé que era un momento extraño en el que perdió la voz unas 2-3 semanas después de que llegaran los gatitos. Todavía feliz y comiendo y se está llevando bastante bien con el gatito que muerde lo suficiente para al menos dos gatos ... ¿Alguien sabe por qué sucedería esto? ¿Es psicológico o físico?
Maranda - Comment
Maranda29 Jul 2017Reply
I have the same issue. My 3yr old cat has been getting used to the new kitten but ever since then she's been hissing a Lot and her meow is very hoarse and crackling. Is this something I should be worried about or
Elrika van Staden - Comment
Elrika van Staden29 Jul 2017Reply
Hi Michelle I do have EXACTLY the same problem now! I introduced a new kitten into our home 2 weeks ago and suddenly my 2 year old is not that vocal anymore, is hoarse when he actually meows. He is eating and doesn't have any coughing, discharge from his eyes or nose Do you have any advice or tips because our situation almost seems identical Thanks
Laura  - Comment
Laura 29 Jul 2017Reply
Me too!! Did anyone find out the correlation between getting a kitten and then having your older cat lose their meow?! This is crazy! Between this page and another on wag, regarding laryngitis, I've counted 12 others this has happened to. Not including my own!!
Emre - Comment
Emre29 Jul 2017Reply
I have the exact same problem. This has all happened after introducing the new kitten at home. She has hissed quite much and lost her meowing. I was wondering how many days it might take. How are other people's experiences?
Karissa - Comment
Karissa29 Jul 2017Reply
A couple years later and coming back on to say her meow did return! It's never been quite the same though... Always a little more scratchy after she lost it once the kitten joined us. She is totally fine though :)
Ericka - Comment
Ericka13 de sep. De 2017Reply
We took in a severely malnourished cat about two weeks ago. When she first came she couldn't meow it was just a croak. Now today she sounds like a regular cat when she meows. Can her being malnourished have caused her to not meow properly? She was skin and bones and was losing fur also. Her bald spots are now filing in and she spends less time sleeping and now grooms herself and comes up for attention.
Marian Standen - Comment
Marian Standen17 de sep. De 2017Reply
My cat is usually quite vocal but the last few weeks her meow has been very soft. She is eating and going out as normal and interacting with me the same as usual. Anyone have any ideas 💡
Iyesha - Comment
Iyesha21 de sep. De 2017Reply
I have 2 4month old female kittens (siblings). One named Nahla is very vocal, always chortling, purring, mewing when she wants affection and MEOWING very loudly with a little kitten voice at any complaint or need. She is very smart and will meow in her usual high tone, and lead me where she wants me to go until I realize what she needs. Last night and today, I heard the weirdest sounding meow. It is lower and slightly husky, almost like a chortle or a coo. Could she be entering adolescence? Is she in heat? Or should I be concerned. She is eating, drinking, playing and being her usual bossy self. If anything she has been more cuddly the past day or so.
Shelia Ann - Comment
Shelia Ann21 de sep. De 2017Reply
Iyesha, estoy segura de que ya sabes que si tu gato estaba en celo, hay muy pocas posibilidades de confundirlo con cualquier otro desorden, jaja, tuve 3 hermanos que todos entraron en celo dentro de los 5 minutos de cada uno. De cualquier forma, ¿has descubierto cuál era el problema?
Dolly - Comment
Dolly21 de sep. De 2017Reply
My Violet had these symptoms and the vet thought it was an allergy. I put her on Allegra. I should have insisted on tests when after a month there was no improvement. She has lung cancer. My other kitty has just developed hoarseness after a plane trip (in cabin).

I'm worried and will get him to the vet right away. I was hoping to find some shimmer of hope here but it seems going to the vet really is the best option.

Good luck to all the kitties and those who love them who need it.
Crystal  - Comment
Crystal 27 de sep. De 2017Reply
My cat just all of sudden sounds like he has sore throat I don't if has something in throat are what or if just a cold
Crystal - Comment
Crystal26 oct 2017Reply
My cat is 2 and she tries to meow but sounds like a new born kitten when she meows. She’s still a playful cat and no change in appetite.. not sure if this is serious or not..please help!
Lynda Lovejoy - Comment
Lynda Lovejoy02 Nov 2017Reply
One of my cats became hoarse, then within same day lost her voice. She is a tiny cat, gets cold easily. The only thing that changed is that she slept all night in front of a space heater - we switched out the space heater for a warm air humidifier, and her voice is back. Hope this helps some folks if their cats appear perfectly normal one day, then just lose their voice the next, with no other symptoms.
Shelia Ann - Comment
Shelia Ann02 Nov 2017Reply
Lynda Lovejoy, si tu gato aún se enfría con facilidad, es posible que necesites que te examinen la tiroides, por lo que entiendo, la pérdida de la voz y el resfriado son síntomas de hipertiroidismo. Me pregunto si la voz volvió para bien o no.
Melanie - Comment
Melanie04 Nov 2017Reply
My cat’s 2 years old and we just got a kitten that’s two months old and my cousin found her in her basement. Now that we have had her for almost three weeks my cat lost her voice. Now I’m worried. Could it be the kitten that has made her sick?
Aashika Ajith - Comment
Aashika Ajith04 Nov 2017Reply
¿Descubriste lo que salió mal con tu gato? Mi gato tiene el mismo problema. No puedo entender lo que está mal con él.
Alexandra - Comment
Alexandra04 Nov 2017Reply
Hello! I have the exact same problem. Did you find out what happened?
Mary Ann barnes - Comment
Mary Ann barnes06 Nov 2017Reply
Mi gato actualmente está haciendo esto. Él también tuvo un hechizo el verano pasado. En el caso anterior, se comió un conejo y creo que le dolió la garganta. Durante la semana pasada, lo ha estado haciendo de nuevo. Pasó de ser débil a nada de ruido, ahora la voz está regresando. Voy a vigilar su scat y ver si encuentro otro conejito.
Pauline - Comment
Pauline15 Nov 2017Reply
mi gato tiene 18 años, durante unos meses estuvo maullando constantemente día y noche, pero ahora ha perdido la voz, ha estado así durante aproximadamente 4 semanas, aparte de estar totalmente bien, todavía tiene un aperitivo, etcétera, cualquier idea, gracias
Craig  - Comment
Craig 18 Nov 2017Reply
De repente, mi gato no puede maullar y realmente no está comiendo, nadie sabe qué es esto
Paula - Comment
Paula24 Nov 2017Reply
Mi gato vomitó 2 bolas de pelo y desde entonces ha sido un caballo, está comiendo bien y jugando no tan activo y no maulló casi por favor ayuda, estoy tan preocupado
Linda Reifsnyder - Comment
Linda Reifsnyder06 ene 2018Reply
Rescaté a mi gato de 2 años de la SPCA. Ella tardó tres meses en venir y aceptar su nuevo hogar, al principio no maullaba en absoluto, pero ahora lo intenta, pero lo único que puede hacer es un débil susurro. Me preguntaba si tal vez ella fue abusada.
Mark Weeden - Comment
Mark Weeden03 de febrero de 2018Reply
¿un veterinario realmente mira este sitio? Nadie parece responder con alguna sugerencia.
Jaime morelock  - Comment
Jaime morelock 03 de febrero de 2018Reply
Right! Agree. thankful to the few who updated there info or turn out.ugh...
Lyn - Comment
Lyn20 de febrero de 2018Reply
Soy médico para humanos pero tengo 5 gatos. Si se corrió, ¡POR FAVOR, lleve a su gato al veterinario! Aquí en Australia, la pérdida de la voz puede ser un primer signo de parálisis por garrapatas, y esto puede ser fatal.

Mis mejores deseos para todos los guardianes de gatos XXX
QuickBeam - Comment
QuickBeam20 de febrero de 2018Reply
¡Excepto cuando has cerrado a los pequeños porque son demasiado estúpidos para salir! Además, si vives allí ... ALTAMENTE te sugiero que guardes tus gatitos dentro de ambientes normales. Los gatitos (en promedio) viven unos 3 años más cuando SOLAMENTE en el interior y no puedo imaginar que duren demasiado es Australia ... el calor, los insectos tamaño de las manos, y gatos / doggos biger / lo que sea que haya otras criaturas del infierno sugerirían un GRAVE peligro para los gatos, incluso de la feroz variedad salvaje
Joaquin - Comment
Joaquin10 de marzo de 2018Reply
Mi gato hablaba y hace un par de días ya no puede sacar a su maullido cuando lo intenta. Trataré de hacer un seguimiento de esto para que sepan cómo resulta.
Stella - Comment
Stella13 de marzo de 2018Reply
Mi gato tenía una bola de pelo atascada y tuvo problemas para levantarse durante tal vez una semana, en ese momento no lo hizo porque estaba resollando y tenía problemas para respirar con el furuball atascado. Está comiendo, bebiendo jugando con nuestro otro gatito. Él simplemente no puede llorar. ¿¿Alguien puede ayudar??
Joaquin - Comment
Joaquin14 de marzo de 2018Reply
After being mute, my cat was raspy and can now meow ok. Not sure what the problem was.
Bear. - Comment
Bear.16 de marzo de 2018Reply
Tengo un gato de 10 1/2 años, siempre ha maullado para decirnos que quiere algo, en las últimas 2 semanas su miau se ha convertido en un chillido, no creo que esté estresado por eso. en cualquier caso, se ve lo suficientemente feliz ... a él le encanta cuando te frotas el frente de las orejas, me preocupa que algo sea extraño, ¿alguien tiene alguna idea? Si es así, por favor hágamelo saber.
Little Bear - Comment
Little Bear06 abr 2018Reply
My cat little bear was almost 17, he started to problems eating, and was starting to loose weight. He had a very quiet meow like a whisper for a few days, I went to the vet and they informed me he had a tumour on his neck. I unfortunately had to put him down yesterday, because they had no guarantee that any of the medications would help his tumour go down to the point where he could eat again. Worse complications would arise with his organs if he wasn’t eating. I couldn’t watch him suffer anymore. :(
Marsha - Comment
Marsha06 abr 2018Reply
Siento mucho tu pérdida.
Lee - Comment
Lee10 de mayo de 2018Reply
Entonces mi gato, un calicó de pelo largo, de repente tiene este tipo de ... miau mutado. Por lo general, tiene un maullido muy fuerte que llama tu atención y una vez que empiezas a acariciarla comenzará a ronronear. Pero últimamente me he dado cuenta de que solo maúlla cada vez que la tocas, pero en lugar de su maullido fuerte normal, es un maullido muy suave que parece que siente dolor. Muy confundido y muy preocupado
Helene - Comment
Helene15 de mayo de 2018Reply
Tengo un gato de 7 años, Reggie, que fue diagnosticado el año pasado con Feliv, que es leucemia. Hace una semana que actuó de manera diferente, no quería que lo tocasen, dormía escondido, pronunciaba tragar, letárgico, no comía como mucho ... esto continuó 3 días y casi lo tomé para veterinar pero le di algunos amoxitabs, antibióticos pero solo dos. ¡Él estaba mejor, pero su maullido ya no estaba! Está de vuelta pero diferente. Los gatos con leucemia, su síntoma inmune pueden verse comprometidos y algunos se enferman más. Si él sigue maullando diferente, ¡definitivamente lo llevaré a veterinario! Arriba, se mencionó GARGANTA DE CÁNCER. ¡Esto es una preocupación para mí ahora!
Abigail - Comment
Abigail26 de mayo de 2018Reply
Mi gato ya no maulla más. Como un gatito, él solía gritar su cabeza, pero un día, simplemente se detuvo. Ahora cada vez que maúlla (rara vez) es un chillido de ratón.
Jean - Comment
Jean31 de mayo de 2018Reply
Tengo un gato de 10 meses que siempre ha sido vocal. Hace tres semanas, presenté un gatito de 2 meses al hogar. Al principio, no se llevaban nada bien, pero ahora están siendo juguetones. Sin embargo, mi gato mayor en los últimos días, de repente, ha perdido la voz. Apenas puedo oírlo cuando maúlla. ¿El nuevo gatito lo enferma?
Alisa - Comment
Alisa01 junio 2018Reply
Mi hijo tiene 2 años y la mayoría se queda adentro, pero sale durante el día. He notado que hoy estaba ronco, se metió en peleas antes de esto, pero los otros gatos ya no están. Es un comedor saludable y nada más parece ser incorrecto
Larissa - Comment
Larissa20 junio 2018Reply
Minha gatinha de 4 ou 5 meses está touca, e quando tenta miar, não sai nada, ela está assim a mais ou menos 1 mês, alguém sabe o que fazer?
Tom - Comment
Tomás22 junio 2018Reply
Me preocupo por un gato sin hogar ... se ha convertido en nuestro pequeño gatito ...
Intenta maullar pero sale muy, muy ligero ... también es muy delgado
Elaine - Comment
Elaine23 junio 2018Reply
Tengo un gatito de 5 meses y ella realmente no tiene un maullido, me pregunto si debería preocuparme.
Roy Rodriguez - Comment
Roy Rodriguez03 Jul 2018Reply
Is this hoarse meowing contagious? Because i took care of a street cat who had those symptoms but she didn't seem to be sick, and she ate a lot. My indoor cat started interacting with her and after a few days my cat could barely meow... Im worried i wanna know what this is before i take it to a vet.
Tiara - Comment
Tiara01 ago 2018Reply
Our cat normally has a great voice, but after we brought her new "sister" home, it's hoarse. I really hope she's not sick, and it is just a result of them playing/fighting and snarling/hissing/growling at each other.
Sherry mccann - Comment
Sherry mccann16 ago 2018Reply
My 18+yr old siamese cat has a cough and can no longer meow, and we all know how loud and vocal they can be. I took him to the vet, xray was clear, heart is slightly enlarged but not enough to concern the vet. He has gas in his intestines. Got tons of meds but I'm concerned that it is some kind of growth in his airway. Any thoughts as to what else could be causing this. Vet was talking about getting him scoped under anesthesia but at his advanced age it probably isn't a good idea.
Chris - Comment
Chris16 ago 2018Reply
Hi there, wondering how it went for your kitty? Mine is having the same symptoms
Imogen - Comment
Imogen18 oct 2019Reply
Nobody here has described my cat's scenario, which is that two days ago she was seriously attacked by another cat and has had a deep throaty meow ever since. She was almost lifeless following the attack but the vet can find nothing wrong with her. She now seems fine apart from her voice - I find it quite distressing but the vet is not overly concerned. Just wanted to let everyone know that this is another reason for cats losing their voice, and you might not realise your cat's been attacked.
Aubrey - Comment
Aubrey14 Nov 2019Reply
My cat is 5 years old and when he meows is sounds like he's hissing at me.
Ali - Comment
Ali13 de febrero de 2020Reply
My cat from begin of 1 month and until 6 month dont have voice
Bob - Comment
Bob01 de marzo de 2020Reply
my cat is 13 yold, is normal, eats and drinks well, 5 days now not meowing as much today not at alll, not interested in meowing, took him the vet doesnt know why, running tests, has a heart murmur ,any ideas, has been sneezing and coughing not lately, today a sneeze, no temperature, im a little worried.
Maria - Comment
Maria27 abr 2020Reply
Please see comment 18 octobre 2019 - IMOGEN.
It has been very helpful for me.
Naomi - Comment
Naomi20 Jul 2020Reply
My cat lost his meow 2 days ago he is not eating nor playing he seems tired mostly and always searching for warmth
Everytime he is trying to meow as if there is something stuck and having difficulty breathing
Alexandra - Comment
Alexandra21 Jul 2020Reply
Hello! I need some help pls. We brought home a little kitty and our other cat (3 years old) lost it's voice after 7 days. She is very talkative usually. Can this be because of the playing and hissing? Thank you!
Maxine - Comment
Maxine30 Jul 2020Reply
My cat is 11 runny nose, coughing, sneezing,stopped meowing but trys too looks unwell
Melissa - Comment
Melissa31 ago 2020Reply
Like the rest of you two of my cats are experiencing raspy quiet meows where they normally had very loud and clear meows I introduced a kitten to our family about 3 weeks ago and noticed he had a very soft raspy meow didn't really think anything of it My other two we noticed their meow change about a week ago All three are going to the vets today when I get their diagnosis I will definitely leave a comment to try to help some of you out! I did however read up on Google that it is most likely feline herpes!
Heather - Comment
Heather31 ago 2020Reply
I am having the same issue as well ,how ever I noticed on one side of his neck he has what seems to be hives or a raised bummpie rash like area . I did just try him on a new flea medicine so I'm not sure if it is a allergic reaction to the new medication. I would love to hear how your visit went . Hope all is well. As soon as I get to the vet I will post my up date .
Melissa - Comment
Melissa31 ago 2020Reply
My vet found nothing wrong with them he said it could be psychological because of the new kitten I introduced to the family and he has a very faint meow and they could be mimicking him... They were tested for the herpes and were all clear so I'm not too sure lol... Hopefully your cat is just having a reaction to the flea meds!!!
Wendy - Comment
Wendy24 de sep. De 2020Reply
Hi my 12 year old cat has lost her voice for over a month now. She purrs but nothing else, her breathing is also louder and more frequent ,she has a thyroid problem and has medication for it, she doesn’t seem in any pain,I think there is a problem with her throat but she’s still eating and drinking ok. I have spoken to my vet who said leave her see if it comes back which it hasn’t. I don’t want her messed about as she lost her right back leg in an accident 9 years ago. She seems happy goes in and out when she likes but I’m worried about her all the same.Anyone got any advice please ?
Jennifer Hammond  - Comment
Jennifer Hammond 23 oct 2020Reply
I have a Male cat that was once the neighborhood stray and very malnourished. I began feeding him and caring for him about 3 years ago. Even though he trusts me to an extent he will never allow me to pick him up and hes very Leary of everything including me at times. So needless to say he hasn't been to a veterinarian. He's fattened up and was eating until about 4 days ago. He has lost his appetite for his normal food but will eat soft food here and there. He refuses go drink water and loves milk but now he won't drink that either. He's salivating and drooling and has lost his meow and seems to be trying to clear his throat of a hairball but nothing comes out and I have also noticed his tongue is out more than usual. He's up and moving around but not behaving like his normal love and attention starved self...which he's not deprived of either of the two. I believe he's an American long haired main coon so he's pretty good sized boy and I can already see some weight loss and I'm EXTREMELY worried about him. I have tried getting mobile vets to come and check him but they don't come to my area because we are 15 minutes out of their radius.
Bernie - Comment
Bernie17 ene 2021Reply
I've had my cat 18 months and it's never really meowed every once in awhile you can hear a little tiny one out of it she eats good real healthy very smart good mouser when I got her her eyes were all matted I took to the vet they said she had ear mites they treated her she's very healthy other than she can't meow
Laura - Comment
Laura11 de febrero de 2021Reply
I think it's really strange how there's an obvious correlation between bringing a new kitten home and then having your older cat lose their meow. Between this forum and another couple sites... I've completely lost count. It has to be almost 30 now that have experienced this!! What is going on?! And I have yet to see a vet give an answer so that's troubling. I took Bruce (13) to the vet yesterday and they couldn't determine any reason to why he's lost his voice but he wasn't listening to me so I am getting another opinion and he has another appointment tomorrow and I'll be up late now investigating and counting how many people have had this same thing.
Jessica - Comment
Jessica11 de febrero de 2021Reply
It's happening the same to me. I am very worried, please if you have any other information contact me. Thank you.
Laura - Comment
Laura11 de febrero de 2021Reply
Well, I took Bruce in and got him on a health plan. They wanted me to get him vaccinated but I am waiting on that and now his eye is goopy and looks infected so that's two symptoms of upper respiratory infection but I have an appointment in about an hour to have him looked at again. I'll know a little more after that. So it is a good thing I decided to wait on the vaccinations because right now his immune system is working on this.
I don't know if it's stress or this infection. I know that doesn't help yet but is your cat eating and drinking?
Lias diehl - Comment
Lias diehl19 de febrero de 2021Reply
my cat doesn't meow in the cold
Doug - Comment
Doug26 abr 2021Reply
11 months ago, my then 10 yr old cat Ray suddenly and unexpected lost his voice. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with him, and he remained an apparently healthy, active, and happy (but quiet) cat until three weeks ago. Then he started to snore quiet loudly while he slept. His voice actually returned, albeit subdued, for about a day, and then he started wheezing and making a variety of noises while breathing. Antibiotics and steroids didn't have any effect and the condition worsened very, very rapidly, to the point that the vet felt that Ray would not recover from being anesthetized for scoping his airway or undergoing surgery. Within a matter of days he was struggling to breath. He has not been able to eat nor drink anything for almost a week. Today, we had to put him to sleep.
If your cat suddenly loses his voice and it doesn’t return after a few months, be concerned, no matter how healthy he appears to be otherwise.
Donna - Comment
Donna26 abr 2021Reply
So sorry for your loss, we have just had the same with our cat, she lost her voice about 2 years ago, she would still make a sound but it was husky and she started snoring but otherwise was happy and healthy, the vet said it was likely her age, she was 14 at the time. Just over the last few months her breathing got laboured and she stopped eating, they found a mass but couldn't do a biopsy because they didn't think she would survive it, she was on steroids which helped for a while but we had to have her put down on Wednesday.
I now wonder if her voice change was the beginning of all of this. I agree with you, if your cat's voice changes don't leave it, keep pushing the vet for answers.
Misty - Comment
Misty18 junio 2021Reply
Laura mentioned above that she thought it was strange that so many people on this site and others had a cat who became hoarse or lost their voice after bringing a new kitten home. I rescued 4 kittens six weeks ago and now my 6 yr old cat's voice is raspy. These kitten's eyes were goopy and some were matted shut. Some were sneezing. This is caused by the feline herpes virus. The symptoms are infected goopy eyes (that can lead to blindness if untreated) lots of sneezing, congested stuffed up nose, coughing. They can have just one mild symptom and it clears up so owners may not really notice. Most cats including indoor only cats have been exposed to the herpes virus usually when they are kittens which they catch from their mother. Even if the Mother had no symptoms. Even though human herpes and cat herpes produce completely different symptoms there are 2 similarities. Stress can cause flare up of symptoms and it is for life.

Cats are creatures of habit. Even the slightest change can cause them stress. Moving the furniture around and having visitors can cause stress. You bring a kitten home your cat is stressed.You bring a kitten home carrying the virus or your cat was exposed as a kitten but the virus has been lying dormant with the added stress is a recipe to make your cat ill. Sometimes if they got it as kittens they have a better immunity to it when they are adults or if they were Vaccinated against it they may only have mild symptoms such as a sore throat and/or hoarse voice. The herpes vaccination does not prevent them from catching it but can, key word CAN not will reduce severity of symptoms.

For the ones whos cats voices become hoarse, raspy or they lost it after you brought a kitten or cat home the answer is yes that is likely the reason due to stress and feline herpes virus. If your cat goes outdoors they can be exposed to other cats with the herpes virus or a deadly virus. Feline Vaccinations don't protect 100%. Keep your cats inside. Feline Herpes Virus and Calcivirus is akin to the human cold or flu. It is not deadly unless your cat is immune compromised due to feline leukemia or other disease. Vaccinating a strictly indoor cat for a non deadly virus that can't even be caught unless exposed to a cat with the virus puts posion in their bodies unnecessarily which can cause health problems down the road as well.
Marlene - Comment
Marlene18 junio 2021Reply
Interesting that you comment your older cat suddenly lost its voice after a new kitten was brought into the home. My13 year old has done the same thing, cant even meow, can purr but that's all. She had been having trouble with hairballs so I thought that was it. Took her to vet and he couldn't find anything Gave her a steroid shot, antibiotic shot, some laxatone.. Bloodwork looked good for an older cat. So we will see what happens.
Bluebearay - Comment
Bluebearay18 junio 2021Reply
Did your cat end up getting better? I’m also experiencing something very similar.
Misty - Comment
Misty18 junio 2021Reply
Yes but only recently after giving her daily immune booster called Transfer Factor Plus for several days mixed in her wet food!
cynthia  - Comment
cynthia 30 junio 2021Reply
Same issue with our 18lb.Thomas it came on over night.Does anyone know what this could be?
Belma - Comment
Belma01 Jul 2021Reply
My Cat got attacked by a stray, and his meow sound is now different.?
Jon - Comment
Jon24 Jul 2021Reply
I have 2 cats that are very talkative one a lot louder than the other, i noticed the louder ones voice changed an was deeper and was not to concerned as it had gone back to normal but the quieter one now has lost his voice completely they both still happy an eating an playing an pestering me for food as cats do, hopefully all well in end an just thought it a bit of a strange one as had cats all my life an never experienced this before?
Meagan - Comment
Meagan17 de sep. De 2021Reply
My cat has lost her voice and we think she was in a yowling fight with another cat. I really want to investigate on how it started. She started with a croaky voice the lost her voice
Amber - Comment
Amber18 de diciembre de 2021Reply
My cat is currently 6 months old and she has all of her energy and has been eating/drinking however, she has absolutely no voice. Sometimes she's able to get a very faint meow but it's barely anything. I can't afford another vet bill, unfortunately.. It's been about two weeks since she's lost her voice, I don't know if this is common and to wait it out or if I need to take action. I'm not extremely worried because her personality is intact but she's not at 100 percent. I thought she could have an upper respiratory infection because she has been sneezing but idk.
Fred - Comment
Fred23 Jul 2022Reply
My cat lives in a barn. And is petrified to get in a car. So how do I get her to a vet? She has lost her voice.
Vickie  - Comment
Vickie 14 ago 2022Reply
My cat has been in heat, she was meowing aggressively then yesterday she came by me and her meow was weak, meek like a whiny, soft meow. A neighbor suggested to take her to the animal hospital because it could be serious. But i disagree, considering it's the first time it's ever happened. Same with my dog, when i leave her home alone for a day she'll be hoarse by the evening then fine 1 or 3 days later. My question is...Is my neighbor overreacting or am I too relaxed about my cats hoarse, week meow? She still eats, plays and sneak attacks the dog, her normal self just not so vocal.
Nat - Comment
Nat10 de febrero de 2023Reply
Anyone deal with cat that’s lost their voice. Seems hard for her to swallow. She’s been sick since December. I took her to vet and they did blood work and said “here give her every thing that might be responsible for why she’s anemic. If it doesn’t work then she probably has some type of lymphoma that’s untreatable. If you wanna take her to a specialist you can but it’s expensive”. So:… I’ve had a hard time giving her medication because she bit me and I went to ER and now im nervous. I kinda need some advice. Anyone been in my shoes?
Daniela - Comment
Daniela04 Jul 2023Reply
Mi gata tiene más de 8 días que perdió la voz maulla pero muy ronco y casi no se escucha
Amie Unruh - Comment
Amie Unruh15 Jul 2023Reply
My cat has lost its meow. It’s been two years since he had laryngitis still cannot meow. Did he possibly damage his laryngitis trying to meow when he was sick?
Amie Unruh - Comment
Amie Unruh15 Jul 2023Reply
I forgot to mention he’s like 12
Stacey Hunlen - Comment
Stacey Hunlen09 ene 2024Reply
We got our cat when she was about 8 weeks old we have had her since November. She has had no meow since the day we got her it always sounds very weak and almost like a hiss (but it’s not) her purr sounds the same way. Does anyone know what this maybe or have suggestions
Jaco - Comment
Jaco05 ago 2024Reply
Guys, discarding the most serious possibilities, which is normal for a veterinary/pets page to mention ($), it 's highly likely that some cats lose their meow just for overusing it: basically a stress of their "vocal" chords. In my case, my cat is perfectly healthy except for this loss of voice: he can even do his other typical "crying sound" (albeit considerably less powerful than before) and purring. If you see the cat is healthy in every other way nut this, my advice will be to just go with the flow. I'll try to keep you updated in case he recovers his meow.
Pamela  - Comment
Pamela 06 ago 2024Reply
Great information
catexotica - Comment
catexotica16 oct 2024Reply
It was a fascinating read! I never realized there could be so many underlying reasons for a cat losing its meow—very helpful insights for cat owners to keep in mind.

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