Si eres el dueño de un gato por primera vez o has llevado a casa una mascota nueva, una de las primeras preguntas que te harás es: "¿Cuánto debo alimentar a mi gato?" Desafortunadamente, no hay una respuesta fácil. Al igual que las personas, las necesidades dietéticas de nuestras mascotas cambian a través de ...
Todos hemos visto a nuestros compañeros caninos lamerse a sí mismos, pero algunos perros lamen el aire sin aparente razón. Wh ...
Ya se trate de una acción afectuosa o un movimiento realizado en defensa propia, morder es un problema cuando se trata de gatos. Para direccionar ...
When your dog ignores your commands, it isn’t just frustrating—it can be dangerous to his health. Not only does snubbing your instructions show a lack of respect for you as his pack leader, but your dog’s failure to follow commands can put him in dan...
Cats are allergic to many of the same things as people, but unlike us, our feline friends usually display symptoms on th...
Al igual que con los humanos, la atención dental es importante para garantizar que las encías y los dientes de tu gato se mantengan sanos, pero no es tan fácil para ti ...
All pets itch when they have fleas, but some dogs face severe allergic reactions to bites from these pests. From itchy, red bumps to hair loss and life-threatening infections, flea allergies can cause a host of worries for your canine companion. Fort...
Illnesses that can be passed from animals to humans are known as zoonotic diseases. While most zoonotic diseases only im...
What we say to our dogs is important, but the way we say it is crucial. Our tones and body language give our pets clues ...
Indoor cats live safer, longer lives, but some pet owners worry their feline friends’ mental and physical wellbeing suffer without the excitement of the outdoors. The truth is that housecats can and do get bored, but there are some simple steps you c...