Dogs are territorial by nature and nothing says, “I’m here,” like marking a tree, fire hydrant or fence post with their unique scents. For male dogs, and even some females, urinating is an easy way to spread this scent. The smell communicates all sor...
It can seem like a nuisance, but to our canine companions, licking you is most often a sign of affection. While it is a ...
Aproximadamente 7.3 millones de personas que viven en los EE.UU. solo son vegetarianos y la popularidad de una dieta a base de plantas y lif ...
A silent pet may sound like an apartment dweller’s dream, but in a reality, when dogs don’t bark, it can be a major cause for concern. Before rushing Fido to the vet, however, bear in mind that some dogs are naturally quieter than others or have been...
Who doesn't love the 4th of July? From the food to the fireworks, Independence Day is fun for the whole family - at leas...
Many have heard of acupuncture for humans, but far fewer know that the process has been around nearly as long for our ca...
As dogs age, they can encounter joint problems just like their human owners. Arthritis, a catch-all term for abnormal joint change, is common in older dogs but can occur in dogs of all ages when there are complications in bone and joint growth, conge...
Traer una nueva casa de gatito es, sin duda, un momento emocionante para cada amante de mascotas. Por lo tanto, debe venir como no surpri ...
Introduciendo una nueva mascota a su hogar puede ser emocionante, pero para los animales residentes, la adición de una nueva cara a la mezcla puede incr ...
Hemos visto perros con pulgas que cubren todo su cuerpo y gatos que sufren de tenias causadas por picaduras de pulgas. Estas pequeñas plagas no solo atormentarán a sus mascotas, sino que también se extenderán por su hogar y afectarán también a otros miembros de la familia. Armado con...