It is no secret that cats love a nap. In fact it might feel like your kitty loves napping more than almost anything else. You may spot him or her sleeping on the couch, on the window-sill or even on your bed, which is exactly why a nice and cosy bed ...
Some dogs pull, jump and pounce to get their owners to take them on a walk-however, your pooch may not be as excited abo...
Un nuevo gatito trae consigo la esperanza de que crezca y se convierta en un miembro feliz y amoroso de su familia. Es vital vincularse con tu...
Weight concerns and managing a healthy weight is just as vital for cats as it is for their human counterparts. An overweight cat can end up with as many or more health problems as an overweight human, including arthritis, diabetes and heart disease, ...
Dog life jackets? To some people the concept of little life jackets for pets can seem quite funny or even weird but for ...
Aunque las orejas de su perro deben ser cuidadas y controladas regularmente por su veterinario, es muy sencillo mantenerlas limpias...
La temporada de incendios forestales significa un asunto serio, y es importante que tenga un plan preparado para usted y sus seres queridos si vive cerca de matorrales, pastizales, áreas costeras y bosques propensos a incendios. Pero no es sólo tu familia humana la que deberías tener...
Christmas is a joyous time of year filled with happiness and great mirth, and should be fun for all the family- pets inc...
If you've had kids, been a kid or even just been around kids you'll know about the life-changing moment when that child ...
La gente gasta más de $ 350 millones en trajes de Halloween y trata para sus mascotas! Pero eso es sólo la punta del iceberg cuando se trata de regalos de Navidad. Con sólo un par de semanas hasta Navidad, la compra de su gato el regalo perfecto es probablemente en usted ...