Do you have trouble falling asleep on warm summer nights? Well, you're not alone. Your pooch too can find it hard to find comfort on a hot day. Although your dog might be active and full of energy, you may have noticed that they enjoy sleeping for a ...
Fleas, they're not the world's favourite critter. In fact they're just as unpopular when they take up residence on your ...
El aseo no se trata solo de que tu perro se vea lo mejor posible, también es importante para su salud y bienestar. El Dos de...
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué tienen los juguetes para ratones que emocionan tanto a los gatos? En realidad, todo es bastante simple, todo se reduce a sus instintos primordiales de cazar y matar. Todos los gatos nacen con instinto cazador y perseguidor pero eso no significa que nazcan...
Cada perro es único y, al igual que nosotros, tiene sus propias necesidades individuales. Así que depende de nosotros como sus humanos conocerlos...
Si eres un urbanita o simplemente vives en un apartamento, entonces las cosas que necesitarás para tu gato pueden diferir q...
Clicker training is an effective way to train your dog. Essentially, clicker training is a science-based way to communicate with your dog. Around since the 1960s, clicker training tells your dog when they've done something correct and is the method f...
Many cat owners don't like the idea of putting their beloved cat into a cage, as they feel they are being cruel and prev...
En Petbucket, como el resto de Internet, nos encantan los gatos, especialmente los gatitos lindos. ¡Awww! Crédito de la imagen ¡Tan lindo!...
We've previously told you 5 things to consider before buying a dog door, but now we're going to show you how to train your dog to use one!
Dog doors are a great addition to any home, particularly when trying to toilet train a puppy - as you can imag...