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Pet Bucket Blog

Por qué su gato necesita una cama calentada este otoño

 Por jaime el 11 Sep 2014 |
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As the nights become cooler, you're no doubt hunting out sweaters and blankets to keep yourself toasty and warm. You may even be putting an electric blanket on your bed to give you a comfortable nights sleep - but what about your feline companion? C...

10 razones por las que el entrenamiento de la agilidad es tan beneficioso para su perro

 Por jaime el 11 Sep 2014 |
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The great thing about agility training is that there are so many benefits for both owner and dog and best of all, any do...

Consejos de primeros auxilios para ayudar a salvar la vida de su perro

 Por jaime el 10 Sep 2014 |
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No es agradable pensar que algo terrible le suceda a tu perro, pero lo mejor que puedes hacer es estar preparado y...

He aquí cómo hacer que su gato venga cuando lo llamen

 Por jaime el 10 Sep 2014 |
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It's more common for dogs to be taught to come when called but it's also something that your cat should learn too. You may even be surprised to hear that it's quite easy to achieve with a little time, patience and treats. Quite a lot of treats. Reas...

¿Podría su perro competir en las competiciones?

 Por jaime el 09 Sep 2014 |
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Any dog owner that has spent time watching the Animal Planet network on television is familiar with the agility competit...

¿Puede tu gato vivir felizmente en dos casas al mismo tiempo?

 Por jaime el 09 Sep 2014 |
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Si compartes un gato con alguien y luego decides cambiar de casa, puedes considerar la idea de que tu mascota viva en dos h...

5 alimentos de otoño para compartir con su perro

 Por michelle el 09 sep 2014 |
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With the early release of the pumpkin spice latte (PSL), fall is coming faster than ever. Though your dog can’t enjoy a PSL, there are other fall foods that are okay to share with them. The following fruits and vegetables are considered in season f...

¿Qué significa cuando su perro muerde sus uñas?

 Por jaime el 08 Sep 2014 |
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Human beings have a number of nervous ticks that are easily noticed by other individuals. One of the most common is biti...

Por qué no probar y hacer ejercicio con su gato!

 Por jaime el 06 Sep 2014 |
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¿Qué haces el fin de semana? ¿Te pones al día con amigos y familiares, tomas una siesta o vas de compras? Tal vez tu tr...

6 razones por las que tu gato silba

 Por michelle el 06 sep 2014 |
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We've all seen a cat with its back arched, ears flattened, mouth wide open, with their tail flicking behind them. But why? A cat’s hiss is a way of informing you that it’s agitated and doesn’t want you to come any closer or something worse will happ...
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