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Datos sorprendentes y cifras sobre los animales domésticos de los EEUU - en tiempo real!

 Por wai el 12 jun 2014 |
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Did you know, 48 new puppies and kittens are born every minute? Or 634 lbs of dog poo is generated every second? (That's a lot of scooping!)   We've got all the amazing facts and figures behind our pets in real-time.   Click here to see the full-s...

¿Cuál es la puntuación de tu mascota?

 Por wai el 16 jun 2014 |
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Does your pup’s poo resemble hard nuts or soft piles? While the occasional soft stool or bout of diarrhea is normal for ...

Cómo detener a su perro de masticar

 Por jaime el 13 jun 2014 |
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Most dog owners are faced with the problem of controlling the way their dog chews. Regardless if the dog is inside the h...

6 maneras fáciles de reducir las bolas de pelo de su gato

 Por jaime el 12 jun 2014 |
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Cats are typically tidy animals that take pride in maintaining a neat appearance. Unfortunately, all of that licking usually comes with a price. Any cat owner knows that hairballs are an uncomfortable problem for clean kitties. If your furry friend i...

Signos de Heartworm en los perros

 Por jaime el 13 jun 2014 |
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Heartworm is caused by a dangerous organism called Dirofilaria immitis. This parasitic roundworm can be deadly to unprot...

Cómo proteger su mascota de las garrapatas este verano

 Por jaime el 11 jun 2014 |
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Ticks are more than just a nuisance for dogs and cats. These troublesome parasites are powerful disease vectors as well,...

Cómo lidiar con la temporada de pulgas

 Por jaime el 10 jun 2014 |
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La mayoría de los dueños de mascotas son dolorosamente conscientes de la molestia de tratar con pulgas. Apenas algunas pulgas pueden tener su animal doméstico que rasguña frenético, y esas pocas pulgas pronto se multiplican en una multitud de critters desagradables. Las pulgas dejan a su mascota incómoda y ...

Consejos para hacer brillar la capa de su perro

 Por danielle el 15 jun 2014 |
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Would you like your dog's coat to glow with health? Here are four ways to get your pet's fur super shiny and soft.  Wa...

Animales y Rehabilitación: ¿Por qué es tan importante

 Por simone el 14 jun 2014 |
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After surgery, an injury, or for pain management associated with medical conditions, it is important for our pets to hav...

7 cosas que debe recordar acerca primera noche de su mascota en casa

 Por simone el 15 jun 2014 |
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It’s very exciting for everyone, humans and animals alike, on the day your new pet moves in. Whether a puppy, kitten or adult pet is joining your family, there are a number of things to do that will ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible and...
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