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Gatos en la Cocina

 Por simone el 02 mayo 2014 |
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1. The hardest thing about preparing sushi is not eating all the fish before the guests arrive. Don’t be tempted by that tasty, rich, fresh, juicy, tender fish.   Image credit   2. Oh come on, just a little taste. You’ll love it I promise. Just o...

7 Cubiertas canina País

 Por simone el 30 abr 2014 |
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“I buried my best bone but my girlfriend stole it and gave it to the Beagle next door” A compilation of the best canine...

Hacer que las visitas al veterinario sean menos estresantes para usted y su gato

 por michele el 30 sep 2016 |
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Most owners and cats alike, dread the thought of a visit to the vet. Not only will the cat have to be placed in a carrie...

¿Su perro siguiente debe ser un perro del refugio?

 Por jaime el 29 abr 2014 |
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If you are looking for a new four-legged family member, there are many reasons to head to the local animal shelter instead of the local breeder. Owning a shelter dog can be very rewarding for you and the animal. Animal shelters and pet rescue organiz...

Moderno Muebles del gato

 Por danielle el 30 abr 2014 |
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The days of buying a simple carpeted scratching post for your cat are long gone. On the market today there is an array o...

¿Cómo su gato le ve?

 Por danielle el 29 abr 2014 |
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Anthrozoologist Dr. John Bradshaw has spent years studying the domestic house cat to discover more about their habits an...

10 gatos que piensan que son más inteligentes En Vidrios

 De michelle el 01 de mayo de 2014 |
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1. "It's you're, not your"   Image credit   2. "Well of course cats are superior to dogs."   Image credit   3. "This is my thinking cap."   Image credit   4. "Just studying for my exam."   Image credit   5. "Do you mind if I read th...

14 perros con peinados "salvajes" 

 Por michelle el 30 abr 2014 |
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  1. There's a new king of the jungle in town.   Image credit   2. Inspired by Rio perhaps?   Image credit   ...

Razas inusuales: El Xoloitzcuintle

 Por danielle el 28 abr 2014 |
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Otherwise known as the Mexican Hairless or Xolo, the Xoloitzcuintle has existed in South America for over 3000 years but...

¿Cuál es la dieta correcta para un perro que sufre de insuficiencia hepática?

 Por jaime el 26 abr 2014 |
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Receiving a diagnosis of liver failure for your furry friend is an extremely distressing event for the entire family. Knowing that your dog is in pain and unable to perform every tasks such as eating, drinking and going outside to the toilet is heart...
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