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Pet Bucket Blog

Flea Disease If You Please

 Por zack en 24 sep 2012 |
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Fleas are a pestilence to mankind. Their blood feud has been going on for centuries. A certain variety of flea was actually responsible for the widespread death and devastation wrought throughout the Black Death’s reign of terror in the 1300s. These...

The Greedy Cat Flea

 Por zack en 24 sep 2012 |
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What is a flea? The answer is manifold. As you probably already know, there are plenty of different kinds of fleas. Ma...

So You Say You Want a Revolution?

 Por zack en 23 sep 2012 |
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Well, you know… we all want to change the world—to a simpler and safer place for pets that is! There is a veritable smo...

Cat Breeds: More Than You Might Expect

 Por zack en 18 sep 2012 |
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Es fácil olvidar cuántos tipos específicos de gato hay. Con la creciente popularidad de las exposiciones de perros, y una mejor exposición de los caninos en general, el hecho de la espeación de los gatos ha escapado al anuncio público. La verdad es que hay más de 40 ...

Gato viaje va con usted!

 Por zack en 17 sep 2012 |
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Everyone knows that a dog loves travelling. They like the car rides, they love the destinations, and they enjoy virtuall...

Perros de la playa: Bumming él con su Bow Wow.

 Por zack en 16 sep 2012 |
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Let me paint you a picture. There’s a warm sandy shore in front of you, deep blue waves constantly crashing against the ...

Flea Circus at the Dog Park

 Por zack en 14 sep 2012 |
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Everyone loves to take their dog to the Dog Park. The mutt burns some energy, socializes with other dogs, and you get to enjoy the sight of happy hounds frolicking. The only thing you have to worry about is picking up some unwanted guests, namely fle...

Tick Tock: Time to Check Your Pet’s Fur For Tick Bites!

 Por zack en 10 sep 2012 |
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First thing’s first, let’s explore the basic properties of this irritating arachnid. What is a Tick? The common tick i...

Conozca a su enemigo (la pulga)

 por zack el 19 oct 2018 |
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Hay una regla de guerra inquebrantable: Conoce a tu enemigo. Conócelos por dentro y por fuera, cuáles son sus debilidades, su programación ...

Recognizing Symptoms of Heartworms: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment

 Por zack en 06 sep 2012 |
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Dogs and cats are humankind’s cutest, friendliest, and most constant companions. They immeasurably enrich the lives of millions of people, keeping their owners healthier, more energetic, and generally in better spirits than the rest of the petless ...
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