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Filtrado por etiqueta ('salud y bienestar')

Lo que usted necesita saber sobre los pólipos y su perro

 Por jaime el 08 ago 2014 |
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When you make the decision to welcome a dog into your home, that choice comes with responsibilities beyond simply feeding and walking your new pet. Dogs have health needs just the same as you do, but they cannot communicate with words when they are n...

¿Por qué los gatos repente atacan mientras se acariciaba?

 Por danielle el 07 ago 2014 |
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One moment you are having a loving moment with your cat, gently stroking their soft fur while they purr – the next, thei...

Spaying y castración temprana de su animal doméstico

 Por simone el 06 ago 2014 |
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Unless you are a registered breeder, spaying or neutering your pet is a decision we all face. Although neutering your pe...

El cuidado de los gatos Amputado

 Por danielle el 06 ago 2014 |
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After an especially dreadful accident, or the onset of a disease such as cancer, amputation of a cat’s limb may be the only treatment option available. Adapting to life on three legs is never easy, however with owner support the challenge can become ...

Cómo cuidar a un gato sordos

 Por danielle el 05 ago 2014 |
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Loss of hearing in cats necessitates particular care from owners, with deafness a potential threat to their pet’s safety...

Donantes de sangre de perro: cómo su mascota puede ayudar a perros necesitados

 Por danielle el 04 ago 2014 |
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Al igual que con los tratamientos médicos humanos, las transfusiones de sangre pueden ser una parte vital de las cirugías caninas, como las que requieren...

¿Es su perro dormir demasiado?

 Por simone el 04 ago 2014 |
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Everyone appreciates a good night’s sleep or sneaking in a nice, re-energising nap during the day. It’s the same for pooches - although it seems like all they do some days is sleep, and sleep, then sleep some more. So how do we know whether our dogs’...

10 Las enfermedades más comunes en los gatos

 Por jaime el 01 ago 2014 |
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Como dueño de una mascota, es importante que no solo proporcione comida, agua y afecto a sus mascotas, sino que también vigile...

Prurito excesivo en gatos

 Por jaime el 01 ago 2014 |
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As a human being with a complex nervous system, you know exactly how annoying it is to have a constant itch. The incessa...

Cómo ayudar a su gato a lidiar con el dolor

 Por jaime el 31 jul 2014 |
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  Cats can form strong bonds with other humans and other furry members of the family. You may not even realize the depth of this attachment until that friend is gone. With the loss of a loved companion, cats can become more aloof, lethargic, and eve...
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