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Filtrado por etiqueta ('salud y bienestar')

Signos de Heartworm en los perros

 Por jaime el 13 jun 2014 |
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Heartworm is caused by a dangerous organism called Dirofilaria immitis. This parasitic roundworm can be deadly to unprotected dogs, and it is important for all pet owners to be on the lookout for it.   The severity of a heartworm episode is dependent...

Cómo detener a su perro de masticar

 Por jaime el 13 jun 2014 |
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Most dog owners are faced with the problem of controlling the way their dog chews. Regardless if the dog is inside the h...

6 maneras fáciles de reducir las bolas de pelo de su gato

 Por jaime el 12 jun 2014 |
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Cats are typically tidy animals that take pride in maintaining a neat appearance. Unfortunately, all of that licking usu...

Cómo proteger su mascota de las garrapatas este verano

 Por jaime el 11 jun 2014 |
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Ticks are more than just a nuisance for dogs and cats. These troublesome parasites are powerful disease vectors as well, and they pose a danger to pets and pet parents alike. As you prepare for summertime fun with your pets, you need to take steps to...

5 consejos de seguridad de calor al hacer ejercicio con su perro

 Por jaime el 11 jun 2014 |
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  The warm summer weather means spending more time outside walking, running and playing with your canine companion. Whi...

5 razones por las que usted debe microchip a su mascota

 Por michelle el 11 jun 2014 |
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Ginger Belle, a Yorkshire terrier from South Carolina, ran away in early May, 2014. Her distraught owners searched for h...

Cómo lidiar con la temporada de pulgas

 Por jaime el 10 jun 2014 |
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La mayoría de los dueños de mascotas son dolorosamente conscientes de la molestia de tratar con pulgas. Apenas algunas pulgas pueden tener su animal doméstico que rasguña frenético, y esas pocas pulgas pronto se multiplican en una multitud de critters desagradables. Las pulgas dejan a su mascota incómoda y ...

Cinco Comandos de formación que podría salvar la vida de su perro

 Por danielle el 09 jun 2014 |
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Obedience training not only makes your dog a more pleasant companion, it also can help keep your beloved friend safe and...

Mantener a las mascotas a salvo durante el calor

 Por simone el 05 jun 2014 |
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Once Summer really ramps up, the heat becomes unberable and can even be dangerous. No matter how stifling we think it i...

Los efectos secundarios de la primera línea de la pulga y Prevención Tick

 Por simone el 05 jun 2014 |
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Fleas are bad - very bad - and ticks are even worse! Fleas don’t just irritate cats and dogs, driving them barking (or meowing) mad with excessive itching and biting, they also spread diseases which can transmit to people. Ticks, especially the paral...
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