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Filtrado por etiqueta ('consejos y trucos')

Crear un jardín de su gato se ronronear Acerca

 Por danielle el 26 mayo 2014 |
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We have heard about the toxic plants we should avoid adding to our gardens to keep our cats safe – but what about the plants cat’s love? There are a variety of plant species kitties adore, many of which are great for their health too.   Cat grass (d...

Los efectos secundarios del tratamiento Advantix Parasite

 Por simone el 23 mayo 2014 |
16Comentario (s)
Everyone knows the annoyance and distress that fleas cause our canine friends, and the danger of paralysis or death that...

Cómo entrenar a tu conejo utilizar una caja de arena

 De jaime el 23 de mayo de 2014 |
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Rabbits make wonderful indoor pets and can easily be trained to use a litter box just like cats. Potty training your rab...

Selección del perro de rescate derecho de un refugio

 De jaime el 22 de mayo de 2014 |
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Cada año demasiados perros y gatos encuentran su camino en refugios y organizaciones de rescate. Los números, según la Humane Society de los Estados Unidos son asombrosos para leer a través. Un estimado de 6 a 8 millones de gatos y perros entran en uno de los 3 ...

Seleccionar el regalo perfecto de condolencia para los propietarios de mascotas

 De jaime el 21 de mayo de 2014 |
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Every family that welcomes a pet into their home, into their life, is going to feel a sense of loss and grief when that ...

6 cosas que debe considerar antes de comprar un hurón

 De jaime el 20 de mayo de 2014 |
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Ferrets are inquisitive, mischievous and energetic animals that can make wonderful pets for the right household. However...

8 Alimentos Humanos que son peligrosos para los gatos

 De jaime el 15 de mayo de 2014 |
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Image credit While you might think it's harmless to slip your cat a little piece of your dinner or to feed them some of your food as part of one of their meals, the shocking truth is that many human foods are dangerous to cats. Here are eight foods t...

Cómo trepar tu gato

 De jaime el 14 de mayo de 2014 |
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Image credit Leash training is a part of life for just about every puppy. By the time the puppy is a few months old, it ...

Los efectos secundarios del tratamiento Heartgard Plus Worming

 Por simone el 13 mayo 2014 |
19Comentario (s)
Image credit The old adage that prevention is better than a cure is never more true, or more important, than with your ...

16 Invierno maneras Calentamiento - Guía de un gato para Sobrevivir a la Chill

 Por simone el 12 mayo 2014 |
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1. Stay indoors. Snow is for the birds!   Image credit   2. Make full use of the sun’s energy…you know, for snoozing, stretching, squinting and smiling.   Image credit 3. Find someone suitable to snuggle with. Image credit 4. Mums are ...
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