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Pet Bucket Blog

Filtrado por etiqueta ('consejos y trucos')

La protección de las patas de su perro a través de la temporada de invierno

 Por wai el 23 nov 2013 |
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Winter can be incredibly hard on a dog's paws. While a dog's paw does form a hard callus, this does not prevent them from the possibility of frostbite or dry and cracking feet. If you live in areas that suffer from particularly harsh weather, there a...

Tres cosas que usted puede no saber acerca de las pulgas.

 Por wai el 31 oct 2013 |
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If you have a flea problem, you're probably trying to solve it the best way you know how.  But fleas are tough to get ri...

Aerolíneas: seguridad transportar a su mascota

 Por wai el 28 oct 2013 |
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Moving is always a pain. If you’re traveling vast distances, it’s a full on headache. You’ve got to have all of your stu...

El enigma del gato feroz: Preguntas y soluciones Parte 1.

 Por zack en 19 Jun 2013 |
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Feral cats and kittens are an interesting dilemma. They capture our hearts and imaginations, and just leaving feral felines, even particularly unsociable ones, to the elements doesn’t sit well in the cat lover’s conscience. So what to do? Can you ta...

Arrojando luz sobre el vertimiento pesado

 Por zack en 05 Jun 2013 |
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Image Credit Pet owners everywhere are up to their eyeballs in dog or cat fur during the hot summer months. Why do cats...

Garras de recorte 3: Toques finales

 Por zack el 25 de mayo de 2013 |
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We’ve gone through the basics of trimming dog’s nails and how to cut cat nails. Now it’s time go over the final details...

Clipping Claws 2: Cómo cortar uñas de gato

 Por zack el 24 de mayo de 2013 |
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Bienvenido a la parte 2 de nuestra serie sobre cómo cortar las uñas de su mascota. Hoy vamos a discutir los fundamentos de las garras de recorte en los gatos. Por suerte, si lees el post de ayer, hay mucha superposición en las técnicas de corte de uñas felinas y caninas. Sin embargo, el gato ...

Frenar la agresión de los gatos

 Por zack el 15 de mayo de 2013 |
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While most cats are usually lovable, adorable, and infinitely happy to be caressed, there are times when a feline can be...

Consejos de viaje seguros en viajes con mascotas

 Por zack el 14 de mayo de 2013 |
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 With summer months around the corner, everyone is beginning to plan their vacation getaways. For a lot of people that m...

Fría gatito hombro: Socializar un gato

 Por zack el 06 de mayo de 2013 |
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The human to kitty cat connection can be quite caustic on occasion.  Unlike their canine counterparts, cats, while cute, are known to be quite hostile to humans they haven’t bonded with. Unfortunately, bonding with an angry kitty isn’t exactly an eas...
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