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Una guía práctica para Pet Meds: Protección de cachorros y gatitos Mantener Comfy

 Por zack en 06 sep 2012 |
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Safeguarding your fluffy family member is an important aspect of pet care. Unfortunately, the process can be confusing. How do you know your pet’s needs? What are the most effective Pet Meds available? With so much money spent in the way of advertising, and so little work done in the efforts of honest product review, something as simple as keeping your pet safe and healthy can end up being a chore.

Luckily, there are still those who have a vested interest in educating pet owners about quality pet care practices to protect any animal subject to these all too common invaders. makes it a point to sell the most effective, vet recommended pet meds available, and also to help you decide which of these pet meds is most suited to your needs.

So in that spirit, here is a short breakdown of what to look for, what you might find, and what to do if you see it:

Los sospechosos habituales: garrapatas, pulgas y gusanos:

Every Pet owner knows that they must beware of fleas, ticks, and a variety of menacing worms. The trick is to monitor your pet closely and look out for common warning signs. Make sure to brush your pet often and inspect them closely, in order to root out any fleas or ticks.
Dog scratching its butt on a  tree
  • Cat Scratch Fever! --Itching- This one is a no-brainer. Every dog and cat is bound to be found scratching at one time or another. However, if scratching becomes consistent, you notice your pet whining, or scratching a certain spot until their skin gets raw, then it could be a possible sign of mites or even flea and tick incursions.

Dog tiredDog Tired! --Lethargy- This one can be a little trickier, especially if you have an older pet, or perhaps just a very lazy one. If you notice a lack of energy in your animal accompanied by coughing, difficult breathing, and weight loss then your pet may have heartworms. Heartworms are life-threatening and should be treated with any number of common pet care medications.

A sick kitty puking in the toilet
  • Una Sick Puppy - problemas-digestivo si se observa algún signo de los cambios en el apetito de su mascota, diarrea o irritación anal podría indicar un caso de estos parásitos. Un insecto intestinal que puede acortar significativamente la vida de su mascota.
Pet Care Treatments at Prescription Strength:
  • Productos de cuidado de mascotas para mordeduras de pulgas y garrapatas pegajosas:
    • Advantix- Powerful parasite preventative. Proven effective against flea and tick infestations.
    • Frontline- Probably the most recognizable name in Pet medications, and for good reason.
  • Productos de cuidado de mascotas para gusanos en perros y gatos:
    • Interceptador-Treats a variety of intestinal worms in both dogs and cats.
    • Guardia del corazón- Effective heartworm preventative, a must buy for every pet owner.
So keep a close eye on your pet, and take preventative measures to stop parasites before they start by using any of these powerful pet meds. Order all of your pet care products at a discount at

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