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Pet Bucket Blog

4 maneras de darle a su gato una píldora

 Por michelle el 28 jun 2014 |
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Administrar píldoras a su gato puede ser fácil para algunos, pero para muchos es una lucha diaria. Afortunadamente, hay varios métodos que pueden hacer que el proceso menos estresante tanto para usted y su gato.

1. Special treats


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The best way to give your cat a pill is by using treats that are made specifically for this purpose. The treats are soft, sticky, and tasty so that your cat will have no idea they are taking medicine!


2. Bolsillos de la píldora de DIY

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En lugar de comprar golosinas, también podría intentar hacer su propia. PetMd recomienda formar "albóndigas" fuera de los alimentos enlatados de su gato. Hacer uno con su píldora, y un par de otros sin.

3. Crushing the pill

If your cat still refuses to take the pill, you could try crushing it into a very fine powder, and then mixing it with their wet food. Make sure you check with your vet first; some pills are not intended to be crushed.

These three methods work fine as long as your cat is allowed to have food with their medicine. In the case that they're not, your best bet is to restrain your cat and give them the pill directly.


4. El camino directo

Place one thumb and forefinger on either side of the cat’s face and apply gentle pressure at the space between the teeth. Once their mouth starts to open, press down on the lower jaw and deposit the pill as far back as possible. Close the mouth and massage their throat until they swallow. To make sure the pill doesn’t remain in the esophagus, give your cat a teaspoon of water from a syringe or eyedropper.


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If your cat will not stay still or if you’re afraid of them scratching you, it’s probably best for you to wrap or swaddle your cat in a towel and then proceed with the previous steps.

No importa qué método utiliza, asegúrese de dar a su gato un montón de alabanza después!

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