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5 razones por las que su perro no está comiendo

 Por jaime el 30 jun 2014 |
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Many dog owners are reasonably worried when their canine companion decides to forgo its meals. Loss of appetite in a dog is not uncommon; however, it is still important to keep an eye on the situation and try to understand the reasons behind the dog’s aversion to food. The following are a few reasons why your dog may be avoiding its meals.

1. The Weather
A veces el clima puede afectar el apetito de un perro. El clima caliente, en particular, puede hacer que un perro tenga menos hambre que de costumbre. La pérdida de apetito en el calor es común en los seres humanos también. Es importante asegurarse de que el perro está recibiendo mucha agua a lo largo de los días calurosos para que no se deshidrate. Si su perro no se anima después de un día o dos, es posible que desee considerar la posibilidad de otros problemas. Una visita al veterinario podría estar en orden.

2. Illness
When a dog doesn’t feel well, it could certainly avoid its food. While one day may not cause much concern, two days or more should alert owners to possible problems, especially if the dog typically enjoys a healthy appetite. Again, make sure the dog has access to water. If the situation does not improve, and the dog appears to be more lethargic than usual, call your vet to determine if an immediate appointment is necessary. Many dogs may be sick without showing many outward signs. Lack of appetite is one sign that may surface when dogs become ill.

3. Vaccinations
Many parents often find that children feel unwell after vaccinations and also lose their appetites for about a day. Dogs may behave similarly. Give them access to water and simply allow them to rest. They may not feel much like exercising either. Usually after a day, however, this situation resolves itself. If the dog continues to avoid its food by the second day, you might want to place a call to the vet to be on the safe side.
4. It Wants Something Better
Si usted ha estropeado su perro con los desechos de la tabla, puede snub su nariz en sus tazones de fuente del perro en la esperanza de conseguir algo mejor como el filete o el pollo. Si el perro está bien en todos los demás aspectos, esta es una situación que puede funcionar a sí mismo cuando el perro se convierte en hambre suficiente para recurrir a su propia comida. Usted puede animar a su comedor quisquilloso humedeciendo su comida para perros seca con algo de comida húmeda. Si usted sabe que su perro es un comedor exigente y no enfermo, no debe preocuparse.

5. Nerves
If you are traveling with your dog, it is very common for them to experience a bout of nerves. In many such cases, dogs will ignore their food while trying to make heads or tails of what’s going on. While some dogs can eat anywhere and at any time, other dogs get used to their routines and may not feel comfortable eating in a brand new setting.

These are some common reasons why dogs will avoid eating. Again, if their lack of appetite persists, you should schedule a check up to make sure that nothing is seriously wrong with them.  


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