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¿Está bien jugar a luchar con su perro?

 Por michelle el 03 jul 2014 |
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Many dog owners, especially those with larger breeds, like to play fight with their dogs. It can be lots of fun, but also dangerous if it goes too far.


Play fighting or roughhousing can include wrestling, rolling around, or tug-of-war games in which your dog may play-bite, lunge, and bark at you. When you participate in this kind of play, you’re basically mimicking how dogs interact together.


Si decide jugar pelea con su perro, hay ciertas cosas que usted necesita tomar en consideración. En general, usted necesita entender qué conductas está animando y cuáles pueden ser las consecuencias. Por ejemplo, si usted permite que su perro juegue con usted como lo haría con otro perro, su perro puede tratar de jugar de esa manera con todos los seres humanos. Esto podría ser riesgoso cuando hay niños pequeños o ancianos alrededor.


In order to keep the situation under control here are some rules for roughhousing:

  • You should initiate the play fighting. Teach your dog that its okay to roughhouse, or jump on you, only when given a cue to do so. This will prevent your dog from trying to play rough with others. This is also beneficial for the times you may be wearing clothes you’d prefer to stay in one piece. Without training, you can’t expect your dog to understand when it is a good time or bad time to roughhouse.
  • Teach your dog a cue that will indicate that playtime is over such as “game over” or “settle.” This command is good for anytime rough play gets too intense or there is excessive mouthing or nipping. Your dog needs to know those behaviors are not acceptable.
    • Look for signs that your dog is stressed so you can spot aggression before it escalates.
    • Supervise your dog closely when around other people like children, those with disabilities, and the elderly
    • Avoid chasing your dog as part of play, this could make it difficult to get a hold of him in an emergency situation.
    • Take short breaks or timeouts to allow your dog to calm down.

    Hay un montón de diversión y formas dinámicas de jugar con su perro que no alentar comportamientos que pueden tener consecuencias problemáticas. Lo que usted decide es adecuado para usted y su perro, asegúrese de ser coherente para que su perro entiende las reglas.


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