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Cómo cuidar a un perro mayor

 Por jaime el 17 jul 2014 |
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The first time you realise that your four legged friend is old can be quite an upsetting realisation. Maybe they didn't move when you called them, or perhaps a photograph you took illuminated all those grey hairs and tired eyes? The autumn years for your pooch requires a different level of care, so it's important to learn about the best ways to provide that care.

What breed of dog you own will also determine when they are categorised as 'senior.' Generally, giant breeds have a shorter lifespan than smaller breeds so you can expect them to reach old age sooner. However, your dog's lifestyle - diet, exercise and medical history will also impact on the longevity of your dog.

The best thing to do is to prepare yourself for this transition in both you and your dog's lives and to be on the lookout for changes so you can react quickly.

Signs of old age in dogs
  • Senses begin to deteriorate
  • Appetite may decrease
  • Weight loss - resulting in the shoulders and spine becoming more prominent.
  • Energy levels decrease
  • Slowing down
  • Greying around the face and muzzle
  • Thicker skin
  • Rougher and thinner coat - potentially with bald patches or white hairs.
  • Deafness
  • Cloudy or bluish eyes
  • Excessive thirst
  • Micción incontrolada
  • Depresión
  • Disobediance
  • Confusion
  • Verrugas, grumos grasos o tumores - compruebe estos con su veterinario.
  • Pérdida de músculo - normal alrededor de las patas traseras, pero si se produce en otro lugar, consulte a su veterinario.
  • Sleeping more during the day, and less so at night.
  • Arthritis and stiffness - difficulty playing, going up and down stairs, in and out of cars, trouble sleeping comfortably.

  • Best care for senior dogs
    • Make regular trips to the vet and when there always ask for a complete body evaluation.
    • Maintain a regular exercise schedule, but reduce the longevity and intensity of your sessions.
    • Change your dog's diet to one specifically formulated for senior dogs. If your dog has a health condition - consult your vet on ways you can change your dog's diet to suit their health needs.
    • Change your dog's vaccination schedule to every three years.
    • Mantenga a su perro comprometido con un montón de afecto y un montón de juguetes para mantener sus mentes estimuladas y evitar el aburrimiento.
    • La instalación de puertas y puertas evitará que los perros artríticos intenten escaleras que no deberían.
    • Cambiar su ropa de cama para satisfacer sus necesidades - un montón de relleno para las articulaciones doloridas.
    • Cambie las golosinas que usted les da para adaptarse a sus dientes más viejos y gastados.
    • Consiga el hábito de comprobar su perro a menudo para cualquier anormalidad. Mira las orejas, la boca, los dientes y las encías, la piel y el pelaje.
    • Maintain your regular flea, worming and tick treatments.
    • Avoid harsh chemicals.
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