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¿Debe usted considerar un caminante del perro?

 Por simone el 26 ago 2014 |
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Exercise, play, mental stimulation and socialisation are important for your dog’s wellbeing, health and development. These activities also minimizes boredom, destructive and unwanted behavior such as chewing furniture and barking when alone.
However, our hectic lives make it hard to juggle the demands of work, running a household, raising a family and other time pressures we experience. Allocating time for your dog’s daily exercise can be impossible. And sometimes, life throws you a curve ball in the form of illness, temporary incapacity and immobility or busy periods and you may need a short-term solution.
Dogs are social animals and do not like to be left alone for hours. This is unavoidable as we need to make a living after all. If you live in an apartment, it’s unlikely your dog is exercising at all during the day. Even if you have a backyard, your dog may be exercising but may not be getting the level of socialisation and interaction required.
Si usted está ausente durante la mayor parte del día, sepa que su perro no está recibiendo el ejercicio o la estimulación que necesita, que los vecinos se quejan de ladrar y lloriquear, que están regresando a casa a desorden de tocador o muebles masticados o están notando cambios en el comportamiento de su Perro, entonces puede ser hora de considerar la contratación de un caminante del perro.
Choosing a dog walker
Hiring a service is never cheap and you should take it seriously as you will be leaving the care of your beloved pet in the hands of another and will also need to trust them in your home.
You should ask potential walkers a range of questions and consider the needs of both you and your dog. Your dog’s age, breed, temperament, health, energy level and exercise preference will influence who is the right dog walker for you.
The best place to start is to seek advice from your vet, local pet store, trainers or friends and family who can recommend a dog walker.
  • Request the walker provide referrals and client testimonials.
  • ¿Cuánto tiempo han estado operando y ha habido algún problema, lesiones o muertes de perro, quejas de clientes, demandas legales?
  • Do they have insurance and what type do they have, when does it expire and what does it cover?
  • Pregunte acerca de sus calificaciones, certificación, experiencia o si son miembros de cualquier asociación de mascotas pertinentes. Esta información indicará su dedicación, profesionalidad y la probabilidad de que puedan manejar cualquier posible problema de comportamiento o salud. Un caminante buen perro debe estar bien informado sobre el entrenamiento del perro, el comportamiento e incluso primeros auxilios.
  • Describa lo que usted espera y cualquier necesidad especial, salud o preocupaciones de seguridad para su perro. 
  • Haga que el caminante conozca a su perro y todos vayan juntos a caminar. Observe cómo su perro responde a ellos y cómo interactúan y manejan a su perro.
  • Some dogs love to play with others and will happily run around once at the dog park. Others prefer to be walked. Find out what the walker has planned and whether it suits your dog and what you want.
  • With large companies you may not get the same walker each time. Find out how they arrange their bookings and exactly who will be walking your dog. If you have hired an individual or are using a small company, ask who the back-up person will be in case your walker becomes ill or is unavailable. You should also check the any additional walker's or back-up walker's experience and references.
  • How many dogs do they take at a time and how do they group the dogs - by age, size, breed? How well does your dog socialise with others? Will this be problematic or beneficial for your dog?
  • Will your dog be in a car? For how long? How are dogs restrained in the car? 
  • What training techniques do they use? Will they adhere to your training preference and commands? How do they handle aggresssion or other behavioural issues. 
  • Where will they walk your dog and which park will they go to? How long will they be exercised for, not total time in the walker’s care but actual time exercising? Are they aware of local council rules about leash compliance and cleaning up? 
  • What will happen if it rains or very hot or cold days?
Una vez que usted tiene su caminante del perro
  • Proporcionar golosinas, plomo, cuello y plomo de respaldo, collar y etiqueta de identificación para su perro. La etiqueta de identificación de su perro debe tener sus datos de contacto actuales.
  • Asegúrese de que su caminante tiene sus datos de contacto y la dirección y número de teléfono de su veterinario. Es posible que tenga que informar a su veterinario que el caminante tiene su permiso para buscar tratamiento para su perro en una emergencia.
  • Have regular catch-ups to make sure there are no problems and that they, and more importantly your dog, are happy.  

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