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Cómo cuidar las orejas de tu perro

 Por alexandra el 11 dic 2014 |
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Although your dog's ears need to be reguarly cared for and monitored by your vet, it is quite simple to keep them clean and healthy yourself. This is especially important because it's not uncommon for parasites, bacteria or yeast to hide in the inner ear and cause plenty of pain and discomfort. It is also easy for dirt to become trapped in the ear due to the way dog's ears are shaped, trapping debris which can cause allergies and infections. Cocker spaniels, basset hounds and poodles are particularly vulnerable, due to their adorable floppy ears.

To reduce infections or allergies, ear checks should be a regular part of your dog's grooming regime. If you take your dog to a groomer, ask them to pay special attention to their ears. However if you groom your dog yourself and their ears look dirty, clean them using a doggy ear cleaner on a dampened cotton ball. This is delicate enough on their skin so it won't cause any irritations and is very effective at cleaning the ears very well.

Si su perro tiene orejas peludas y usted puede ver que algunos pelos han brotado del canal del oído, usted puede pedir a su groomer para tweeze los hacia fuera o simplemente los corta abajo a una longitud que no mate o enreda. No se recomienda que usted intente tweezing ellos usted mismo pues puede ser incómodo para su animal doméstico y usted no quisiera que él o ella asociara ese dolor con usted.

If your dog is a frequent swimmer you may have noticed that post-swim their ears are irritated, which could mean some water has gotten into the ear. To prevent this from happening, dry your pooch's ears thoroughly using a cotton cloth. If you don't, it may lead to ear infections which can be painful.
If you notice any of the following symptoms, contact your vet at the earliest convenience:
  • Discharge
  • Smelly ears
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Perdida de cabello
  • Picazón
  • Crusty skin
  • Blood in ears
  • Ácaros de oído

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