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5 sorprendentes razas de perros perfectamente adecuadas para la vida del apartamento

 Por petbucket en 08 Apr 2015 |
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By Maggie Park
Many people think that only toy dog breeds are well-suited for apartment living, but this assumption simply is not true. Some small dogs are great in an apartment situation, and some aren't. The best dogs for apartment dwellers are those that are fairly quiet, well mannered, and calm. If you are away from your apartment during the work day, you also need a dog that is comfortable with plenty of alone time. Here are some surprising dog breeds that are perfectly suited for apartment living.
1. Bulldogs. Bulldogs have very calm demeanor, making them great for apartment living. While a Bulldog will never be your jogging buddy, he does enjoy a short daily walk. Pay attention to the weather when you take your Bulldog for a walk, however, since Bulldogs aren't very tolerant of hot, muggy conditions. A 50-pound Bulldog may not seem like the perfect apartment companion, but this breed is actually an ideal choice.
2. Rat Terriers. Since Rat Terriers look so much like their hyper cousin, the Jack Russell Terrier, many people shy away from these busy little dogs. While they do have plenty of energy, Rat Terriers are calm and affectionate as long as they have an opportunity to exercise. If you are looking for a workout buddy, a Rat Terrier may be the perfect breed for you. As long as this little dog has about 40 minutes of exercise per day, he is calm, quiet, and loving.
4. Bull Mastiffs. These huge dogs are devoted to their owners, yet they can be left alone for significant periods of time. Bull Mastiffs were bred to be watchdogs for large English estates, but their size is more intimidating than their personality. Although they are very large dogs, Bull Mastiffs thrive with only moderate amounts of exercise. Be warned, however, the Bull Mastiff does drool.
5. Greyhounds. You may assume that the Greyhound's speed makes her inappropriate for apartment living, but Greyhounds are actually very lazy. Their sprinting speed is impressive, but don't choose a Greyhound to help you train for a marathon. A Rat Terrier is a far better running buddy. Greyhounds are quiet, calm, indoor dogs who cannot tolerate cold temperatures. This impressive dog is perfectly suited for an apartment.
Other Great Apartment Dogs
Mientras que las razas enumeradas arriba son sorprendentemente bien adaptado para la vivienda de apartamento. Es posible que prefiera una raza más convencional de viviendas. Algunas de las mejores opciones incluyen Pugs, Boston Terriers, Bichon Frises, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, y Shih Tzus.
Cuando usted elige su compañero de apartamento, asegúrese de considerar los marcadores de comportamiento de la raza. Es la raza conocida por ladridos constantes? ¿Cuánto ejercicio necesita la raza? Por último, si usted va a dejar su casa de mascotas mientras está en el trabajo, debe investigar la propensión de la raza a aburrirse y buscar problemas. Cuando usted elige cuidadosamente, usted y su compañero canino gozarán de la compañía de cada uno por muchos años.

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