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Cuándo es el mejor momento para alimentar a su gato

 Por jaime el 27 ago 2014 |
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Being responsible for the health and wellbeing of a cat is a huge responsibility and a large part of that is your ability to feed them a balanced and nutrient rich diet to promote longevity, energy and a healthy weight. Coupled with this, deciding on...

¿Pueden los gatos atrapar la gripe de nosotros?

 Por danielle el 25 ago 2014 |
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People tend to worry about sharing their flu with others, isolating themselves from friends and family until they feel b...

Mayor Perros beneficiarse de la formación Demasiado

 Por danielle el 26 ago 2014 |
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The old adage ‘You’re never too old to learn something new’ just as neatly applies to dogs as it does to people. Old dog...

¿Qué gatos hacen frente a la mejor vida con otros gatos, perros o niños?

 Por simone el 26 ago 2014 |
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Los gatos generalmente no son tan sociales como los perros. De hecho, los gatos naturalmente cazan solos y suelen preferir la soledad. Pero, cada raza es diferente y cada gato es un individuo. Muchos gatos realmente aman la compañía y tienen temperamentos adecuados para vivir con otros gatos ...

¿Debe usted considerar un caminante del perro?

 Por simone el 26 ago 2014 |
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Exercise, play, mental stimulation and socialisation are important for your dog’s wellbeing, health and development. The...

¿Es tu gato realmente letárgico?

 Por michelle en 27 Aug 2014 |
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The average cat sleeps 15 hours a day, and that number is even higher for senior cats and kittens. However, if you notic...

Los perros con enfermedad de viaje

 Por michelle en 25 Aug 2014 |
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Just like humans, dogs can also suffer from travel or motion sickness. It’s likely that you found this out about your dog pretty quickly, assuming that all it took was a few car rides before your pup’s nausea kicked in. Including vomiting, here are s...

¿Por qué los perros mastican su ropa de cama?

 Por danielle el 24 ago 2014 |
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You leave your dog for the day peacefully curled up asleep on their bed. When you return, it is as if it has snowed – wh...

¿Por qué mi gato Comer Kitty Litter?

 Por danielle el 24 ago 2014 |
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Strange as it may sound, some cats can suddenly start eating kitty litter. It is an oddity to be concerned about as it u...

¿Qué hacer si usted Sobrecorte uñas de su gato

 Por danielle el 23 ago 2014 |
31Comentario (s)
Clipping a cat’s nails is no easy task. Keeping a struggling cat still while trying to get the clippers around the right nail and making sure not to take off too much is challenging to say the least. Inevitably, accidents sometimes happen.    If you ...
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