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¿Por qué los gatos repente atacan mientras se acariciaba?

 Por danielle el 07 ago 2014 |
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One moment you are having a loving moment with your cat, gently stroking their soft fur while they purr – the next, their teeth are embedded in your hand and you are shouting in pain. Why do cats suddenly transform into tigers without any apparent re...

Spaying y castración temprana de su animal doméstico

 Por simone el 06 ago 2014 |
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Unless you are a registered breeder, spaying or neutering your pet is a decision we all face. Although neutering your pe...

El cuidado de los gatos Amputado

 Por danielle el 06 ago 2014 |
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After an especially dreadful accident, or the onset of a disease such as cancer, amputation of a cat’s limb may be the o...

¿Qué hacer cuando su perro no va a dormir en su nueva cama

 Por danielle el 06 ago 2014 |
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You’ve spent hours scanning pet store shelves and searching online until finally you found it – the perfect bed for you dog. It is soft and snuggly, yet tough enough to be able to withstand rough dog claws. It is the right size and shape for your pet...

Cómo cuidar a un gato sordos

 Por danielle el 05 ago 2014 |
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Loss of hearing in cats necessitates particular care from owners, with deafness a potential threat to their pet’s safety...

Mi perro no parará ladridos: ¿Cómo poner fin a Barking sin fin!

 Por danielle el 05 ago 2014 |
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Todos los perros ladran, ¡pero algunos perros parecen no parar nunca! Un perro demasiado vocal no solo puede causarte un fuerte dolor de cabeza, sino también...

Donantes de sangre de perro: cómo su mascota puede ayudar a perros necesitados

 Por danielle el 04 ago 2014 |
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Just as with human medical treatments, blood transfusions can be a vital part of canine surgeries, such as those required if a dog is hit by a car. Dog blood donors are thus vital to saving the lives of other dogs who fall victim to accidents and dis...

Hocico Entrenando a su perro

 Por simone el 05 ago 2014 |
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You may think that muzzles are only needed for aggressive dogs but sometimes it is mandatory for dogs of certain sizes o...

¿Es su perro dormir demasiado?

 Por simone el 04 ago 2014 |
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Todo el mundo aprecia una buena noche de sueño o una siesta agradable y revitalizante durante el día. Es lo mismo para la caca...

5 razones por las que su gatito está llorando en la noche

 Por jaime el 02 ago 2014 |
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  Just like adult cats, kittens are naturally nocturnal creatures. They instinctively are more active at night.  This can create problems between you and your new feline friend that has not yet adapted to your preferred sleeping and waking schedule....
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