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El cuidado de los gatos de edad avanzada

 Por simone el 11 ago 2014 |
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Your cat’s habits and moods will change during their later years and their health and physical condition will deteriorate. However, you can take steps to make sure your cat is comfortable and able to enjoy their senior years as much as possible.   Ca...

Perros y derramamiento: Todo lo que usted necesita saber

 Por michelle en 12 Aug 2014 |
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When choosing the right dog for you and your family, it’s important to consider the “shed factor.” Although all breeds s...

¿Debe preocuparse por los ronquidos de su perro?

 Por jaime el 10 ago 2014 |
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There are few sounds in this world more annoying than snoring. Spouses lose sleep and get irritated when one or the othe...

5 maneras de evitar que su gato de masticar en los cables

 Por jaime el 09 ago 2014 |
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Cualquier persona que creció durante la década de 1980 está familiarizado con el largometraje National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. La hilarante comedia de temporada contiene una escena infame durante la cual un gato arrastra las luces del árbol de Navidad y debajo de un sofá. La C...

Cómo ayudar a su perro excesivamente sumiso

 Por jaime el 10 ago 2014 |
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The key to any good owner-dog relationship rests in the hierarchy of the family pack. Dogs are pack animals and rely upo...

¿Por qué los gatos guardar su caja de arena?

 Por jaime el 09 ago 2014 |
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Animal lovers that own dogs are often familiar with possessive behavior when it comes to the food dish. Dogs that guard ...

Hacer frente a un perro celoso

 Por jaime el 09 ago 2014 |
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Many owners are lucky enough to have a dog that simply adores them; however, sometimes these dogs have the notion that no one else should love their owner. Jealous dogs can act out in some alarming ways when they watch their owner getting attention f...

Gatos y bebés que viven bajo un mismo techo

 Por jaime el 09 ago 2014 |
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When it comes to cats and babies, there are lots of opinions. The fact is there are also many variables. For instance, i...

Lo que usted necesita saber sobre los pólipos y su perro

 Por jaime el 08 ago 2014 |
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When you make the decision to welcome a dog into your home, that choice comes with responsibilities beyond simply feedin...

Cómo detener peleas de gatos

 Por michelle en 08 Aug 2014 |
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Siempre que hay dos o más gatos en un hogar, siempre hay posibilidades de peleas. Las peleas de gato pueden ocurrir por varias razones, pero la más común es debido a la mala socialización o la falta de experiencias positivas con otros gatos. Éstos son algunos consejos ...
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