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11 consejos para mantener sus perros Seguridad en el coche

 Por simone el 01 jul 2014 |
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Dogs love being with their humans and humans love being with their dogs. That means that dogs also ride in cars but there are some very important tips to make sure that your pooch remains safe when road tripping.   1. Restraint, restraint, RESTRAINT!...

Gatos y Fauna: Cómo parar su gato de ser un asesino

 Por simone el 02 jul 2014 |
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We think of our cats as adorable and cuddly but the truth is that they are natural predators, experts at hunting birds a...

¿Con qué frecuencia debe usted limpiar agua de la taza de su perro?

 Por danielle el 01 jul 2014 |
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Would you drink from a glass of water that had been sitting outside for a week? Or a cup that hadn’t been washed in a mo...

Reubicación en el extranjero con su mascota: Lo que usted necesita saber

 Por danielle el 02 jul 2014 |
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Trasladarse al extranjero requiere mucha organización y puede ser un momento de ansiedad para las mascotas que no entienden lo que está sucediendo y por qué. La planificación Tiptop es absolutamente vital cuando se transportan animales de un país a otro para hacer el viaje tan suave ...

Todo sobre veterinarios holísticos

 Por danielle el 03 jul 2014 |
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Alternative medicine, such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, massage therapy, homeopathy and chiropractic services, have ...

15 perros más impopulares del mundo

 Por jaime el 29 jun 2014 |
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We all love a Labrador and are incredibly fond of a Jack Russel, but what about the unpopular breeds of dogs in the worl...

Qué hacer cuando el peso de su gato está fuera de control

 Por jaime el 01 jul 2014 |
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The fat cat is a common image in pop culture. It tells the tale of a rich society that indulges its pets, and its people, a little too much. When your cat begins to tip the scales, it's time to get serious about diet and nutrition. Obesity is associa...

Qué hacer si su gato deja de usar la caja de arena

 Por jaime el 30 jun 2014 |
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Litter box problems can cause even the most dedicated cat owner to rethink their pet of choice. Cats are clean and fasti...

5 razones por las que su perro no está comiendo

 Por jaime el 30 jun 2014 |
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Many dog owners are reasonably worried when their canine companion decides to forgo its meals. Loss of appetite in a dog...

¿Por qué los gatos del amor Catnip

 Por jaime el 29 jun 2014 |
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If you've ever seen a cat go wild as if possessed, then chances are they were probably under the influence of catnip. Catnip is also known as catmint, catwort and field balm - whatever you call it, it has the power to make even the most docile or gru...
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