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Filtrado por etiqueta ('salud y bienestar')

¿Pueden los perros realmente entendernos?

 Por danielle el 19 jul 2014 |
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It seems uncanny the amount dogs seem to understand when we chat to them around the house. The words ‘walkies,’ ‘treat’ or ‘dinner’ is usually met with much tail wagging and spinning about. And that is not to mention commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘beg...

¿Qué hacer si su gato tiene un problema Succión

 Por danielle el 19 jul 2014 |
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Some cats, when cuddled up on their owner’s lap, have a habit of taking a hold of part of their clothes in their mouth a...

Colitis y EII en los gatos

 Por jaime el 18 jul 2014 |
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When it comes to the human body, many people are in tune with the messages their bodies are sending them. Issues with co...

Qué hacer si tiene un gato de velcro

 Por jaime el 17 jul 2014 |
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Does your cat do any of the following? Following you everywhere you go (yes, even to the bathroom). Sulking, meowing or slinking away while you are getting ready to leave the house. Crying or meowing when you have left the house or even when you...

Cómo cuidar a un perro mayor

 Por jaime el 17 jul 2014 |
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The first time you realise that your four legged friend is old can be quite an upsetting realisation. Maybe they didn't ...

El paso de su perro de ritmo

 Por jaime el 16 jul 2014 |
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The movement and locomotion of a four-legged animal like a dog is very different to human locomotion. As a human being, ...

Qué hacer: Si su gato se convierte embarazada

 Por simone el 15 jul 2014 |
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Si usted no ha tenido su gato spayed o desexed de la hembra y usted la encuentra actuando un poco extraña, ella puede muy bien estar embarazada. Los gatos pueden quedar embarazadas a los cuatro meses de edad y se les llama "reinas". Aunque la mayoría de los veterinarios ...

Se admiten como terapia

 Por simone el 15 jul 2014 |
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If you have a pet then you will know how much fun, love, affection and joy they bring, and it is likely that you are hea...

¿Qué es la Taurina y por qué es importante para su gato

 Por jaime el 14 jul 2014 |
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What is Taurine? Taurine is an amino acid that is essential for many cellular functions around the body. It is produced ...

4 razones por las que su perro está frotando su cara en la alfombra

 Por jaime el 14 jul 2014 |
48Comentario (s)
Many dog owners have dealt with the confusion (and frustration) of seeing the family dog walk into the living room and rub its face in the carpet, usually right after the room has been vacuumed. Many dog owners are at a loss when it comes to explaini...
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